[PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draft-stein-pwe3-congcons-01.pdf
"Andrew G. Malis" <amalis@gmail.com> Fri, 03 August 2012 16:14 UTC
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Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 09:14:33 -0700
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Subject: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draft-stein-pwe3-congcons-01.pdf
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Given the support shown both in this week's meeting and on the list, and that this has been a long-standing item on the PWE3 WG charter, the chairs would like to poll the WG for the adoption of https://tools.ietf.org/pdf/draft-stein-pwe3-congcons-01.pdf as a working group draft. Please reply to this email whether or not you support adoption of this draft. Reasons are not required, but are helpful for the WG. If you've already shown support on the list for the draft, that support has been noted and does not need to be repeated. (Note that we refer to the pdf version of this draft rather than the text version, as the pdf version contains non-ASCII figures that are not visible in the text version.) Coincidentally, we are also polling for knowledge of any IPR that applies to this draft, to ensure that IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details). If you are listed as a document author or contributor please respond to this email whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR. The draft will not be adopted until a response has been received from each author and contributor. If you are on the PWE3 WG email list but are not listed as an author or contributor, then please explicitly respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been disclosed in conformance with IETF rules. This will be a two-week poll, ending 17 August. Thanks, Andy and Matthew
- [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draft-st… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draf… david.black
- Re: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draf… Shahram Davari
- Re: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draf… Dutta, Pranjal K (Pranjal)
- Re: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draf… Yaakov Stein
- Re: [PWE3] Fwd: PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [PWE3] PWE3 WG adoption and IPR poll for draf… Andrew G. Malis