[PWE3] Some comments on draft-jc-pwe3-mpls-tp-static-checking-00

Kingston Selvaraj <KingstonS@ipinfusion.com> Wed, 28 March 2012 17:13 UTC

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Hi Authors,

Couple of comments and questions regarding this draft.

1.       This draft doesn't cover the operational details of multi-segment PW.

2.       Draft says that, PE will start transmitting the GAP message immediately after PW configuration and PSN tunnel is UP.

Let us consider a scenario where in PW is configured in PE1  (of course the PSN tunnel is UP) and  not configured in other side of PE (PE2).

What will happen in this scenario?. Will the GAP message will be transmitted only thrice and will be stopped by PE1?
Or will it always be re-transmitted by PE1?

S. Kingston Smiler.