[PWE3] PW Communities draft

"Dutta, Pranjal K (Pranjal)" <pranjal.dutta@alcatel-lucent.com> Sat, 04 August 2012 23:04 UTC

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From: "Dutta, Pranjal K (Pranjal)" <pranjal.dutta@alcatel-lucent.com>
To: "pwe3@ietf.org" <pwe3@ietf.org>
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 04:34:08 +0530
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Subject: [PWE3] PW Communities draft
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Hi All,
          We had presented the 00-version of the "PW Communities" draft in IETF-81@Quebec City. Based on the feedbacks/comments received in the mailing list we had provided an update in IETF-82@Taipei. The latest version can be found below.


          Please provide your comments in the current version. We would like to request for WG adoption of the draft.

          PW Communities provide a generic and extendable building block based on which any complex set of policies/filtering rules can be applied during PW set-up with minimal overhead. The intention of the proposed technique is to aid in policy administration, especially during MS-PW set-up across various S-PEs.

