Re: [PWE3] [mpls] Seeking feedback/comments on I-D "LDP Typed Wildcard PW FEC Elements"

Carlos Pignataro <> Thu, 19 May 2011 21:36 UTC

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Subject: Re: [PWE3] [mpls] Seeking feedback/comments on I-D "LDP Typed Wildcard PW FEC Elements"
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Hi Kamran,

I think the extension of an LDP Typed-Wildcard for the PWid and
Generalized PWid FEC Elements is most useful.

I have some questions/comments about the document:

1. The Typed-wildcard FECs as defined in the document apply to all FECs
   of a given type (all 0x80 or all 0x81). In contrast, RFC 5918
   defines the typed-wildcard for the Prefix FEC Element with finer
   granularity, including also the AFI. Would it make sense to include
   in this case the PW type as part of both typed-wildcard FECs? I
   think that this document can either define the PW Type of 0x0000 as
   all-types for the typed wildcard, or (better) use the existing
   0x7FFF Wildcard PW Type to provide the currently expected all-types

2. I think there might be a bit of overlap with the Group ID from the
   PWid FEC and with the PW Grouping TLV. I think that the document
   could discuss why the typed-wildcard is also needed (e.g.,
   simplicity and different grouping).

I think this is a useful doc.

I also have some editorials that I will unicast.


-- Carlos.

On 5/5/2011 12:15 PM, Kamran Raza wrote:
> We had presented "LDP Typed Wildcard PW FEC Elements" I-D at IETF79 and
> IETF80 []
> which defines LDP Typed Wildcard FEC elements for PW FECs types (FEC128
> PW-Id, and FEC 129 Generalized PW-Id).
> We (the authors) are seeking more feedback from the mailing list, and would
> be grateful if you could review the document and post comments on the
> mailing list.
> I-D Abstract:
>    An extension to the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) defines the
>    general notion of a "Typed Wildcard Forwarding Equivalence Class
>    (FEC) Element".  This can be used when it is desired to request all
>    label bindings for a given type of FEC Element, or to release or
>    withdraw all label bindings for a given type of FEC element.
>    However, a typed wildcard FEC element must be individually defined
>    for each type of FEC element.  This specification defines the typed
>    wildcard FEC elements for the Pseudowire Identifier (PW Id) and
>    Generalized Pseudowire Identifier (Gen. PW Id) FEC types.
> [P.S: This I-D was previously submitted as L2VPN WG doc
>, but was
> later resubmitted to PWE3 WG]
> Thanks.