[PWE3] R: New Version Notification for draft-hao-pwe3-iccp-extension-for-msp-02.txt

ma.yuxia@zte.com.cn Thu, 17 May 2012 02:07 UTC

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Hi all,

New version of "draft-hao-pwe3-iccp-extension-for-msp" has been uploaded. 

Any comments are welcome!

Thank you!


----- 转发人 马玉霞028714/user/zte_ltd 时间 2012-05-17 09:55 -----

2012-05-16 10:45

cao.wanming@zte.com.cn, yu.jinghai@zte.com.cn, chengweiqiang@cmcc.com.cn, 
New Version Notification for draft-hao-pwe3-iccp-extension-for-msp-02.txt

A new version of I-D, draft-hao-pwe3-iccp-extension-for-msp-02.txt has 
been successfully submitted by Yuxia Ma and posted to the IETF repository.

Filename:                 draft-hao-pwe3-iccp-extension-for-msp
Revision:                 02
Title:                            ICCP extension for the MSP application
Creation date:            2012-05-16
WG ID:                            Individual Submission
Number of pages: 17

   This document specifies some extensions on Inter-Chassis
   Communication Protocol(ICCP) to support inter-chassis linear
   multiplex section protection(MSP) that is described in G.841.  Linear
   multiplex section protection(MSP) is used to protect Synchronous
   Digital Hierarchy (SDH) links which could be used as attachment
   circuits to dual-home to two or more PEs.  In this case, ICCP is
   introduced to support the configuration and state synchronization
   between two chassises.


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