[PWE3] Fwd: Need volunteers for the NomCom

"Andrew G. Malis" <amalis@gmail.com> Mon, 30 July 2012 18:06 UTC

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Please consider volunteering for NomCom (I have).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NomCom Chair <nomcom-chair@ietf.org>
Date: Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM
Subject: Need volunteers for the NomCom
To: Working Group Chairs <wgchairs@ietf.org>

We are currently looking for volunteers to serve on the 2012-2013 NomCom.
As you know, the success of the NomCom process depends crucially on
having a large pool of volunteers from throughout the IETF community.
In particular, it is valuable for the pool of volunteers to have strong
representation from all of the technical areas within the IETF.

I understand that not all IETF participants read the IETF announce list
frequently. Therefore, if you would be willing to inform active participants
in your working groups about this year's call for NomCom volunteers, I
would greatly appreciate it.

The NomCom 2012-2013 Call for Volunteers is open until this Sunday,
August 5. Details can be found at:

Thank you for your help,
- Matt Lepinski