[PWE3] Comments on draft-jc-pwe3-mpls-tp-static-checking-00.txt

Sriganesh Kini <sriganesh.kini@ericsson.com> Wed, 28 March 2012 14:30 UTC

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1. My first thought on looking at this - what is the relationship of this
to a signaling protocol (LDP) ? Is this trying to replicate that
functionality or provide som new functionality ?

2. Is this checking intended to be used as operator initiated or proactive
checking ?

3. The term "corresponding PSN tunnel" has been used. I guess this means
the PSN tunnel to which the PW is nailed to (?) However there is no receive
check to ensure that the received msg is indeed on a tunnel that is
carrying the PW. Even if there was, what is the need to map this to the
'corresponding' PSN tunnel ?

4. If just the in-label is sent can this be used as a label advertisement
mechanism ?

- Sri