Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane:are they compatible?
Alexander Vainshtein <> Sun, 19 June 2011 18:13 UTC
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From: Alexander Vainshtein <>
To: "" <>, "" <>, Greg Mirsky <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 21:13:55 +0300
Thread-Topic: [mpls] [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane:are they compatible?
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Cc: "" <>, Vladimir Kleiner <>, Mishael Wexler <>, pwe3 <>, Oren Gal <>, John Shirron <>, Rotem Cohen <>, "Stewart Bryant (" <>
Subject: Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane:are they compatible?
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Shahram, Greg and all, After some thought: One way to model selection in 1+1 linear protection architecture could be to define a "special" internal interface in the box and to define the ILM action on the tunnel label of an inactive LSP as "Pop and forward to special interface". The special interface then would then forward resulting labeled packets with a reserved top label to control and discard all the rest. This behavior would not be part of "normal" MPLS data plane hence no contradictions with its architecture. I assume that this is roughly the formal model for what Shahram and Greg have said. Regards, Sasha ________________________________________ From: Alexander Vainshtein Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 7:04 AM To:;; Greg Mirsky Cc:; Vladimir Kleiner; Mishael Wexler; pwe3; Oren Gal; John Shirron; Stewart Bryant ( Rotem Cohen Subject: RE: [mpls] [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane:are they compatible? Shahram, The problem IMHO is in the combination of two points : - At the LSP level both LSP OAM and PW traffic look exactly the same (after popping the Tunnel label a labeled packet remains). You can only differentiate between them when you look up the next label in the stack - When you look at the next label after having popped the tunnel label, PW packets received from both active and inactive LSPs look exactly the same with the same label from the per-platform label space. IMO this means that you cannot describe the desired behavior in the terms of RFC 3031 and 3032. Hopefully this clarifies my question. Regards, Sasha ________________________________________ From: [] Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 11:43 PM To: Alexander Vainshtein;; Greg Mirsky Cc:; Vladimir Kleiner; Mishael Wexler; pwe3; Oren Gal; John Shirron; Stewart Bryant ( Rotem Cohen Subject: Re: [mpls] [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane:are they compatible? Sasha All traffic except LSP OAM traffic from protection LSP must be discarded in Rx. So what is the issue? Thx Shahram Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T -----Original Message----- From: Alexander Vainshtein <> Sender: Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 21:58:41 To: Greg Mirsky<> Cc:<>; Vladimir Kleiner<>; Mishael Wexler<>; pwe3<>; Oren Gal<>; John Shirron<>; Stewart Bryant \(\)<>; Rotem Cohen<> Subject: Re: [mpls] [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data plane: are they compatible? _______________________________________________ mpls mailing list This e-mail message is intended for the recipient only and contains information which is CONFIDENTIAL and which may be proprietary to ECI Telecom. If you have received this transmission in error, please inform us by e-mail, phone or fax, and then delete the original and all copies thereof.
- [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP data… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP … Greg Mirsky
- Re: [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP … Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and M… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and M… Alexander Vainshtein
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- Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and M… Shahram Davari
- Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and M… Shahram Davari
- Re: [PWE3] [mpls] 1+1 linear LSP protection and M… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP … Eric Osborne (eosborne)
- Re: [PWE3] 1+1 linear LSP protection and MPLS-TP … Alexander Vainshtein