[Qirg] IEEE Network Series 3 on Quantum Communications and Networking (DDL: Aug. 15)

Ruidong Li <lrd@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp> Sun, 14 July 2024 06:03 UTC

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Dear QIRG members,

Thanks for the continuous support to IEEE Network Series 1 and 2 on 
Quantum Communications and Networking (QCN)!

Now series 2 is in publication and we would like to continue to invite 
you to submit papers to the IEEE Network Series 3 on QCN. The topics in 
this series is very closely related to the QIRG. It will be also 
appreciated if you can disseminate this CFP to your friends, colleagues, 
various mailing lists, conferences/workshops, and social media.

*Series 3 Manuscript Submission Deadline:   15 August 2024*
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
•Quantum communication and networking applications
•Quantum internet architectures, protocols, and design principles
•Intelligent quantum communication networks
•Entanglement generation, scheduling, and distribution
•Quantum information theory and communication protocol
•Quantum memory and repeater design
•Quantum routing metrics and new routing algorithms
•Congestion control and resource allocation for quantum networks
•Quantum data plane and quantum control plane design
•Security, privacy, and trust in the context of quantum networks
•Quantum network management
•Simulators, testbeds, prototypes, implementations, and field experiments
•Verification of the existing knowledge in real quantum networks
•Performance evaluation and modeling
•Migration from classical networks to quantum networks

If you have any question on submission, please feel free to contact us. 
Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,
Ruidong Li

*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this 
call for paper***
IEEE Network  Series on Quantum Communications and Networking
*Series 3 Manuscript Submission Deadline:   15 August 2024*

Call for Papers
Quantum communication researchers have achieved significant progress 
during the recent decades and quantum networking has shown promise in 
terms of improving the overall functional benefits of the Internet and 
enabling applications with no counterpart in the classical world. It is 
a breakthrough technology towards the unimaginable future. In a quantum 
network, the source and destination may be connected by quantum 
repeaters/routers for facilitating qubit transmissions. The quantum 
network of the future is envisaged to pervade the entire globe, relying 
on terrestrial components, satellites, airplanes, ships and other 
vehicles. It is anticipated that it will support nearly unconditional 
security, super-computing power, large network capacity – even at high 
velocity - and privacy.

In the current era, quantum networks are similar to the early stage of 
the classical Internet in the 1970s. However, they exhibit fundamentally 
different features, obeying the uncertainty principle, the 
non-orthogonal indistinguishable theorem, the quantum non-cloning 
theorem, entanglement and superposition. These constraining features 
make the design of quantum networks a challenging task. To make the 
promise of quantum networking a reality, the entire protocol stack 
spanning from the physical-layer enabling techniques to the application 
layer requires a dedicated collaborative effort from a large fraction of 
the engineering and physics community.

This series focuses on recent advances in quantum communications and 
networking, and we seek original contributions in quantum networking 
architectures, concepts, protocols, and technologies in support of 
long-distance qubit transmissions and novel network applications. Topics 
of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Quantum communication and networking applications
• Quantum internet architectures, protocols, and design principles
• Intelligent quantum communication networks
• Entanglement generation, scheduling, and distribution
• Quantum information theory and communication protocol
• Quantum memory and repeater design
• Quantum routing metrics and new routing algorithms
• Congestion control and resource allocation for quantum networks
• Quantum data plane and quantum control plane design
• Security, privacy, and trust in the context of quantum networks
• Quantum network management
• Simulators, testbeds, prototypes, implementations, and field experiments
• Verification of the existing knowledge in real quantum networks
• Performance evaluation and modeling
• Migration from classical networks to quantum networks

Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should conform to the standard format as indicated in the 
‘Information for Authors’ section of the Paper Submission Guidelines.

All manuscripts to be considered for publication must be submitted by 
the deadline through Manuscript Central. Select ‘Series/QCN’ from the 
drop-down menu of topic titles.

Important Dates:
Series 3 Manuscript Submission Start: 15 May 2024
*Manuscript Submission Deadline: 15 August 2024*
Initial Decision Notification: 30 November 2024
Revised Manuscript Due: 30 December 2024
Final Decision Notification: 15 January 2025
Final Manuscript Due: 31 January 2025
Publication Date: March/April 2025

• Guest Editors:
Ruidong Li, Kanazawa University, Japan
Prineha Narang, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Melchior Aelmans, Juniper Networks, Netherlands
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Guilu Long, Tsinghua University, China