Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)

ianswett <> Tue, 16 April 2019 16:23 UTC

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From: ianswett <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)
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ianswett commented on this pull request.

> +CRYPTO frames out of order. Endpoints MAY choose to allow more data to be
+buffered during the handshake. A larger limit during the handshake could allow
+for larger keys or credentials to be exchanged. An endpoint's buffer size does
+not need to remain constant during the life of the connection.
+Being unable to buffer CRYPTO frames during the handshake leads to a connection
+failure. If an endpoint's buffer is exceeded during the handshake, it can expand
+its buffer temporarily to complete the handshake. If an endpoint cannot expand
+its buffer, it MUST close the connection with a CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED error
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED error code. If an endpoint chooses to
+discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, the packets containing these CRYPTO frames
+MUST be acknowledged.

They were received and processed at the transport layer, so this makes sense.

How about "Packets containing discarded CRYPTO frames MUST be acknowledged, because they were received and processed by the transport, even though they were discarded prior to the crypto stack processing them."

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