Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] use a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame to drive the handshake to confirmation (#3145)

David Schinazi <> Sun, 17 November 2019 03:13 UTC

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From: David Schinazi <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] use a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame to drive the handshake to confirmation (#3145)
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DavidSchinazi requested changes on this pull request.

I support this PR, modulo minor changes.

> @@ -385,13 +385,9 @@ perspective of the endpoint in question.
 ### Handshake Confirmed {#handshake-confirmed}
-In this document, the TLS handshake is considered confirmed at an endpoint when
-the following two conditions are met: the handshake is complete, and the
-endpoint has received an acknowledgment for a packet sent with 1-RTT keys.
-This second condition can be implemented by recording the lowest packet number
-sent with 1-RTT keys, and the highest value of the Largest Acknowledged field
-in any received 1-RTT ACK frame: once the latter is higher than or equal to the
-former, the handshake is confirmed.
+In this document, the TLS handshake is considered confirmed at the server when
+the handshake completes. At the client, the handshake is considered confirmed
+when the HANDSHAKE_DONE frame is received.

nit: could we say "when *a* HANDSHAKE_DONE frame is received."

> @@ -5495,6 +5497,16 @@ Reason Phrase:
   This SHOULD be a UTF-8 encoded string {{!RFC3629}}.
+## HANDSHAKE_DONE frame {#handshake-done-frame}
+The server uses the HANDSHAKE_DONE frame (type=0x1e) to signal confirmation of
+the handshake to the client.  The HANDSHAKE_DONE frame contains no additional
+This frame can only be sent by the server. A server MUST treat receipt of a
+HANDSHAKE_DONE frame as a connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.

Can we add the following paragraph to this section:

Clients MAY treat receipt of an acknowledgment for a packet it sent with 1-RTT
keys as receipt of a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame.  This can be implemented by
recording the lowest packet number sent with 1-RTT keys, and the highest
value of the Largest Acknowledged field in any received 1-RTT ACK frame:
once the latter is higher than or equal to the former, the handshake can be

> @@ -5495,6 +5497,16 @@ Reason Phrase:
   This SHOULD be a UTF-8 encoded string {{!RFC3629}}.
+## HANDSHAKE_DONE frame {#handshake-done-frame}
+The server uses the HANDSHAKE_DONE frame (type=0x1e) to signal confirmation of
+the handshake to the client.  The HANDSHAKE_DONE frame contains no additional
+This frame can only be sent by the server. A server MUST treat receipt of a

Can we add the following sentence of the start of this paragraph:

Servers MUST NOT send a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame before confirming
the handshake.

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