Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clarify server CONNECTION_CLOSE with Handshake (#2688)

Martin Thomson <> Mon, 13 May 2019 00:29 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clarify server CONNECTION_CLOSE with Handshake (#2688)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2307,10 +2307,14 @@ signal closure.
 If the connection has been successfully established, endpoints MUST send any
 CONNECTION_CLOSE frames in a 1-RTT packet.  Prior to connection establishment a
 peer might not have 1-RTT keys, so endpoints SHOULD send CONNECTION_CLOSE frames
-in a Handshake packet.  If the endpoint does not have Handshake keys, or it is
-not certain that the peer has Handshake keys, it MAY send CONNECTION_CLOSE
-frames in an Initial packet.  If multiple packets are sent, they can be
-coalesced (see {{packet-coalesce}}) to facilitate retransmission.
+in a Handshake packet.  If the endpoint does not have Handshake keys, it SHOULD
+send CONNECTION_CLOSE frames in an Initial packet.
+The server may not know whether the client has Handshake keys.  In order to

Ahh, the two docs blur together in my mind.  This is OK.  I would suggest that you need to address both transitions here though.  The transition to Handshake and the transition to 1-RTT have the same sort of uncertainty.

> @@ -2307,10 +2307,14 @@ signal closure.
 If the connection has been successfully established, endpoints MUST send any
 CONNECTION_CLOSE frames in a 1-RTT packet.  Prior to connection establishment a
 peer might not have 1-RTT keys, so endpoints SHOULD send CONNECTION_CLOSE frames
-in a Handshake packet.  If the endpoint does not have Handshake keys, or it is
-not certain that the peer has Handshake keys, it MAY send CONNECTION_CLOSE
-frames in an Initial packet.  If multiple packets are sent, they can be
-coalesced (see {{packet-coalesce}}) to facilitate retransmission.
+in a Handshake packet.  If the endpoint does not have Handshake keys, it SHOULD
+send CONNECTION_CLOSE frames in an Initial packet.
+The server may not know whether the client has Handshake keys.  In order to
+guarantee a CONNECTION_CLOSE is processed, it SHOULD send a CONNECTION_CLOSE
+in both Handshake and Initial, because the client discards Initial keys as soon
+as it has Handshake keys. If multiple packets are sent, they can be coalesced
+(see {{packet-coalesce}}).

Don't sound so uncertain :)  I think that the fix is good.

And we'd (collectively) be crazy if we didn't take #2673.

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