Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Proposed change to #1965 (#2212)

ianswett <> Thu, 20 December 2018 02:23 UTC

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From: ianswett <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Proposed change to #1965 (#2212)
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ianswett commented on this pull request.

> @@ -496,11 +496,14 @@ MAY use alternate strategies for determining the content of probe packets,
 including sending new or retransmitted data based on the application's
-If no new data or unacknowledged data is available to send, an ack-eliciting
-packet SHOULD be sent.  Sending a retransmittable frame ensures that any in
-flight packets are acknowledged or declared lost in a timely manner.  If no
-ack-eliciting packet is sent, any packets currently in flight should be
-declared lost to avoid repeatedly arming and firing the PTO timer.
+When a PTO timer expires, new or previously-sent data may not available to send,
+and data may still be in flight.  Under these conditions, a sender MUST mark any
+packets still in flight as lost.  This can happen for example when data is sent
+on a stream which is then reset by a sender, and a PTO timer expires after this
+stream is reset.  A sender can be blocked from sending new data in the future if

I agree about streams and RESET_STREAM, but if you were only sending MESSAGE frames, then you can easily hit this issue.

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