Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework flow of Push ID (#3925)

Mike Bishop <> Wed, 22 July 2020 15:59 UTC

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Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 08:59:11 -0700
From: Mike Bishop <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework flow of Push ID (#3925)
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@MikeBishop commented on this pull request.

> @@ -907,9 +910,9 @@ graceful shutdown of a connection by sending a GOAWAY frame ({{frame-goaway}}).
 The GOAWAY frame contains an identifier that indicates to the receiver the range
 of requests or pushes that were or might be processed in this connection.  The
 server sends a client-initiated bidirectional Stream ID; the client sends a Push
-ID.  Requests or pushes with the indicated identifier or greater are rejected by
-the sender of the GOAWAY.  This identifier MAY be zero if no requests or pushes
-were processed.
+ID ({{server-push}}).  Requests or pushes with the indicated identifier or

That reference informs the specific term, not the whole statement; I think the parentheses are more appropriate in this instance.

> +Push stream data can also arrive after a client has canceled a push. In this
+case, the client can abort reading the stream with an error code of

It has to be design if it prohibits something previously permitted or permits something previously prohibited.  A changed recommendation is hazier, and we've sometimes chosen to treat those as design for better visibility to make sure the WG is fully on-board, but they don't have to be.

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