Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] One close frames (#1900)

janaiyengar <> Tue, 30 October 2018 02:48 UTC

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From: janaiyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] One close frames (#1900)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

A few nits, but looks good overall.

> @@ -4067,9 +4065,13 @@ Final Offset:
 ## CONNECTION_CLOSE frame {#frame-connection-close}
-An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02) to notify its peer that
-the connection is being closed.  CONNECTION_CLOSE is used to signal errors at
-the QUIC layer, or the absence of errors (with the NO_ERROR code).
+An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02 or 0x03) to notify its
+peer that the connection is being closed.  The CONNECTION_CLOSE with a frame
+type of 0x02 is used to signal errors at the QUIC layer, or the absence of

type of 0x02 is used to signal errors at only the QUIC layer, or the absence of

> @@ -4067,9 +4065,13 @@ Final Offset:
 ## CONNECTION_CLOSE frame {#frame-connection-close}
-An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02) to notify its peer that
-the connection is being closed.  CONNECTION_CLOSE is used to signal errors at
-the QUIC layer, or the absence of errors (with the NO_ERROR code).
+An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02 or 0x03) to notify its
+peer that the connection is being closed.  The CONNECTION_CLOSE with a frame
+type of 0x02 is used to signal errors at the QUIC layer, or the absence of
+errors (with the NO_ERROR code).  The CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with a type of 0x03
+is used to signal an error with the protocol that uses QUIC.  Protocols that use

is used to signal an error with the protocol that uses QUIC.

> @@ -4067,9 +4065,13 @@ Final Offset:
 ## CONNECTION_CLOSE frame {#frame-connection-close}
-An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02) to notify its peer that
-the connection is being closed.  CONNECTION_CLOSE is used to signal errors at
-the QUIC layer, or the absence of errors (with the NO_ERROR code).
+An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02 or 0x03) to notify its
+peer that the connection is being closed.  The CONNECTION_CLOSE with a frame
+type of 0x02 is used to signal errors at the QUIC layer, or the absence of
+errors (with the NO_ERROR code).  The CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with a type of 0x03
+is used to signal an error with the protocol that uses QUIC.  Protocols that use
+QUIC only use the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame of type 0x03; the frame with type 0x02


> @@ -4067,9 +4065,13 @@ Final Offset:
 ## CONNECTION_CLOSE frame {#frame-connection-close}
-An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02) to notify its peer that
-the connection is being closed.  CONNECTION_CLOSE is used to signal errors at
-the QUIC layer, or the absence of errors (with the NO_ERROR code).
+An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02 or 0x03) to notify its
+peer that the connection is being closed.  The CONNECTION_CLOSE with a frame
+type of 0x02 is used to signal errors at the QUIC layer, or the absence of
+errors (with the NO_ERROR code).  The CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with a type of 0x03
+is used to signal an error with the protocol that uses QUIC.  Protocols that use
+QUIC only use the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame of type 0x03; the frame with type 0x02
+is only used internally by QUIC.


> @@ -4094,14 +4096,17 @@ The fields of a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame are as follows:
 Error Code:
-: A 16-bit error code which indicates the reason for closing this connection.
-  CONNECTION_CLOSE uses codes from the space defined in {{error-codes}}.
+: A 16-bit error code which indicates the reason for closing this connection.  A
+  CONNECTION_CLOSE frame of type 0x02 uses codes from the space defined in
+  {{error-codes}}; a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame of type 0x03 uses codes from the

  {{error-codes}}.  A CONNECTION_CLOSE frame of type 0x03 uses codes from the

 Frame Type:
 : A variable-length integer encoding the type of frame that triggered the error.
   A value of 0 (equivalent to the mention of the PADDING frame) is used when the
-  frame type is unknown.
+  frame type is unknown.  The application-specific variant of CONNECTION_CLOSE
+  does not include this field.

  (type 0x03) does not include this field.

> @@ -5021,9 +4983,9 @@ See {{iana-error-codes}} for details of registering new error codes.
 Application protocol error codes are 16-bit unsigned integers, but the
 management of application error codes are left to application protocols.
-Application protocol error codes are used for the RST_STREAM
-({{frame-rst-stream}}) and APPLICATION_CLOSE ({{frame-application-close}})
+Application protocol error codes are used for the RST_STREAM frame
+({{frame-rst-stream}}) and the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with a type of 0x03
+({{frame-connection-close}}) frames.

I don't think you can avoid this clunkiness with flags here. You'd end up saying something like "CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with the X flag" instead.

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