Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] rate-limiting of CID issuance needs to be allowed (#2436)

MikkelFJ <> Sat, 09 February 2019 07:19 UTC

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From: MikkelFJ <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] rate-limiting of CID issuance needs to be allowed (#2436)
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> The proposal does not mandate such behavior. It's merely clarifying that such behavior is permissible.

I was concerned that you wanted to make it a requirement. Anyway, I'd also like that behaviour is reasonable predictable so app protocols don't have too many constraints on deployments. A stack used for HTTP might well be used for other things.

I'm still wondering if there are benefits to rotating CID's when not migrating, but I think there is since you might want to refresh routing tables. This is starting to be a separate, but related issue, but one thing is rate limiting, the other is convincing peer to rotate or not rotate within a given time frame, with no migration. I'd be best if transport could take the guesswork out of this.

Overall, I could see a requirement to rotate daily and requirement to supply a min count of CID's daily, just to ensure all entities, including middle boxes have something to work from.

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