Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define the use of generic TLS alerts (#3601)

Kazuho Oku <> Tue, 28 April 2020 06:17 UTC

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Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 23:17:24 -0700
From: Kazuho Oku <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define the use of generic TLS alerts (#3601)
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@kazuho commented on this pull request.

> @@ -1567,12 +1573,13 @@ QUIC requires that the cryptographic handshake provide authenticated protocol
 negotiation.  TLS uses Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN)
 {{!ALPN=RFC7301}} to select an application protocol.  Unless another mechanism
 is used for agreeing on an application protocol, endpoints MUST use ALPN for
-this purpose.  When using ALPN, endpoints MUST immediately close a connection
-(see Section 10.3 in {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}) if an application protocol is not
-negotiated with a no_application_protocol TLS alert (QUIC error code 0x178, see
-{{tls-errors}}).  While {{!ALPN}} only specifies that servers use this alert,
-QUIC clients MUST also use it to terminate a connection when ALPN negotiation
+this purpose.
+When using ALPN, endpoints MUST immediately close a connection (see Section
+10.3 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}) if an application protocol is not negotiated with a
+no_application_protocol TLS alert (QUIC error code 0x178, see {{tls-errors}}).
+While {{!ALPN}} only specifies that servers use this alert, QUIC clients MUST
+use error 0x178 to terminate a connection when ALPN negotiation fails.

Am I correct to read that this MUST requires a client that receives a no_application_protocol alert to respond with a no_application_protocol alert?

I am not sure if that aligns to what we have now. At the moment, the provisions that we have is that an endpoint that receives CONNECTION_CLOSE MAY respond with a CONNECTION_CLOSE, using NO_ERROR if appropriate (

Based on that, I think what we need here is MAY rather than MUST, and think that NO_ERROR is more appropriate (assuming that we do not have a principle of an endpoint that receives a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame carrying an error echo the error code it has received). Or it might make sense to just drop the last sentence.

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