[quicwg/base-drafts] HTTP/3 frame encodings are unnecessarily difficult to serialize and parse (#2396)

ianswett <notifications@github.com> Wed, 30 January 2019 23:42 UTC

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Subject: [quicwg/base-drafts] HTTP/3 frame encodings are unnecessarily difficult to serialize and parse (#2396)
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Multiple HTTP/3 frames have lengths, but do not require the length to deserialize.

On the serialization side, those require extra work to determine the size before serializing them, which may or may not be easy.  SETTINGs is fairly complex because it's a series of varints, so you either need to do a two-pass serialization or write the SETTINGs and then go back and write the length(possibly assuming it's a 2 byte length?).

On the parsing side, extra work is required to verify that the parsed length matches the specified length.

This also wastes a byte or two in a few cases.

I suggest we use the principle that if it's easier to serialize and deserialize without a frame length then the length should be omitted.

Related to #2395

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