Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define NAT rebinding better (#1501)

Mike Bishop <> Fri, 29 June 2018 17:16 UTC

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From: Mike Bishop <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define NAT rebinding better (#1501)
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MikeBishop approved this pull request.

> -note that not all changes of peer address are intentional migrations. The peer
-could experience an unintended change of address due to NAT rebinding; endpoints
-SHOULD perform path validation ({{migrate-validate}}) if the rebinding does not
-cause the connection to fail.
+finished and the endpoint has 1-RTT keys.  The design of QUIC relies on
+endpoints retaining a stable address for the duration of the handshake.
+An endpoint also MUST NOT initiate connection migration if the peer sent the
+`disable_migration` transport parameter during the handshake.  An endpoint which
+has sent this transport parameter, but detects that a peer has nonetheless
+migrated to a different network MAY treat this as a connection error of type
+Not all changes of peer address are intentional migrations. The peer could
+experience NAT rebinding: a change of address due a middlebox, usually a NAT,
+allocating a new outgoing IP address and port for a flow.  Endpoints SHOULD

Typically, but not universally.  I agree with "and/or", or perhaps even making the levels differ more -- "allocating a new port or even a new outgoing IP address for a flow."

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