Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Document request forgery (#3996)

Jana Iyengar <> Wed, 19 August 2020 07:47 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Document request forgery (#3996)
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@janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

Thank you for writing this up! A few comments; almost all are editorial suggestions. Only a couple of questions.

> @@ -6357,6 +6357,217 @@ this behavior.  An endpoint can then immediately close the connection with a
 connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION; see {{immediate-close}}.
+## Request Forgery Attacks
+A request forgery attack occurs where one endpoint causes its peer to perform

A request forgery attack occurs where an endpoint causes its peer to perform

> @@ -6357,6 +6357,217 @@ this behavior.  An endpoint can then immediately close the connection with a
 connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION; see {{immediate-close}}.
+## Request Forgery Attacks
+A request forgery attack occurs where one endpoint causes its peer to perform
+some unwanted action, such as issuing a request. Request forgery attacks aim to

I'm not clear on the terminology here, but isn't "request forgery" by definition limited to the action of issuing a request? If so, maybe this could be "causes its peer to issue a request towards a victim, where the request is crafted by the endpoint to inflict damage on the victim.".

> +forgery attack is often used to gain access to implicit authorization conferred
+by their peer's location in the network.

forgery attack is often used to exploit any implicit authorization conferred
on the peer by the victim due to the peer's location in the network.

> @@ -6357,6 +6357,217 @@ this behavior.  An endpoint can then immediately close the connection with a
 connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION; see {{immediate-close}}.
+## Request Forgery Attacks
+A request forgery attack occurs where one endpoint causes its peer to perform
+some unwanted action, such as issuing a request. Request forgery attacks aim to
+provide an attacker with access to certain capabilities of its peer that might
+otherwise be unavailable to the attacker. For a networking protocol, a request
+forgery attack is often used to gain access to implicit authorization conferred
+by their peer's location in the network.
+For request forgery to be effective, an attacker needs to be able to influence
+what their peer sends, and where it is sent. If an attacker can target a

what packets the peer sends, and to which target. If an attacker can target a

> +For example, cross-site request forgery {{?CSRF=DOI.10.1145/1455770.1455782}}
+exploits on the Web cause a client to issue requests that include authorization
+cookies {{?COOKIE=RFC6265}}, allowing one site access to information and
+actions that are intended to be restricted to a different site.


This seems unnecessary. Not a strong suggestion, but this could be removed with little loss of useful information.

> +otherwise be unavailable to the attacker. For a networking protocol, a request
+forgery attack is often used to gain access to implicit authorization conferred
+by their peer's location in the network.
+For request forgery to be effective, an attacker needs to be able to influence
+what their peer sends, and where it is sent. If an attacker can target a
+vulnerable service with a controlled payload, that service might perform
+actions that are attributed to the attacker's peer, but decided by the
+For example, cross-site request forgery {{?CSRF=DOI.10.1145/1455770.1455782}}
+exploits on the Web cause a client to issue requests that include authorization
+cookies {{?COOKIE=RFC6265}}, allowing one site access to information and
+actions that are intended to be restricted to a different site.
+As QUIC runs over UDP, the primary attack modality of concern is one where an

Since this version of QUIC runs over UDP, the primary attack modality of concern is one where an

> +forgery attack is often used to gain access to implicit authorization conferred
+by their peer's location in the network.
+For request forgery to be effective, an attacker needs to be able to influence
+what their peer sends, and where it is sent. If an attacker can target a
+vulnerable service with a controlled payload, that service might perform
+actions that are attributed to the attacker's peer, but decided by the
+For example, cross-site request forgery {{?CSRF=DOI.10.1145/1455770.1455782}}
+exploits on the Web cause a client to issue requests that include authorization
+cookies {{?COOKIE=RFC6265}}, allowing one site access to information and
+actions that are intended to be restricted to a different site.
+As QUIC runs over UDP, the primary attack modality of concern is one where an
+attacker can select the IP address and port to which a peer sends UDP datagrams

attacker can select the address to which its peer sends UDP datagrams

> +by their peer's location in the network.
+For request forgery to be effective, an attacker needs to be able to influence
+what their peer sends, and where it is sent. If an attacker can target a
+vulnerable service with a controlled payload, that service might perform
+actions that are attributed to the attacker's peer, but decided by the
+For example, cross-site request forgery {{?CSRF=DOI.10.1145/1455770.1455782}}
+exploits on the Web cause a client to issue requests that include authorization
+cookies {{?COOKIE=RFC6265}}, allowing one site access to information and
+actions that are intended to be restricted to a different site.
+As QUIC runs over UDP, the primary attack modality of concern is one where an
+attacker can select the IP address and port to which a peer sends UDP datagrams
+and also controls some of the unprotected content of those packets. As much of

and can control some of the unprotected content of those packets. As much of

> +the data sent by QUIC endpoints is protected, this includes control over
+ciphertext. An attack is successful if an attacker can cause a peer to send a

I don't understand this -- how does  the attack include control over ciphertext? I had assumed the interesting attacks here were through the unencrypted parts of the packet.

> +UDP datagram to a host that will perform some action based on content in the
+datagram that the attacker is able to control or influence.

UDP datagram to a host causing it to perform some action based on content in the
datagram that the attacker is able to control or influence.

> +While it would be ideal if target services implement better protections, such
+as strong authentication that does not rely on implicit signals, the goal of
+this section is to describe what a QUIC implementation or deployment can do.

While target services are encouraged to implement better protections, such
as strong authentication that does not rely on implicit signals, the goal of
this section describes mitigations that can be employed unilaterally by a QUIC
implementation or deployment.

> +QUIC offers some opportunities for endpoints to influence or control where
+their peers send UDP datagrams.

QUIC offers some opportunities for an attacker to influence or control where
its peer sends UDP datagrams.

> +Control over the destination of UDP datagrams presents three options for
+request forgery attack:

Remove this and move the colon to the end of the previous sentence.

> +These three options all involve cases where an endpoint sends datagrams to a
+host that might not understand QUIC. That is, these packets are sent prior to
+address validation; see {{address-validation}}.

In all three cases, the attacker can cause its peer to send datagrams to a
victim that might not understand QUIC. That is, these packets are sent by
the peer prior to address validation; see {{address-validation}}.

> +* initial connection establishment ({{handshake}}), where a server is able to
+  choose where a client sends datagrams, for example by populating DNS records;
+* preferred addresses ({{preferred-address}}), where a server is able to choose
+  where a client sends datagrams; and
+* spoofed connection migrations ({{address-spoofing}}), where a client is able
+  to use source address spoofing to select where a server sends subsequent
+  datagrams.
+These three options all involve cases where an endpoint sends datagrams to a
+host that might not understand QUIC. That is, these packets are sent prior to
+address validation; see {{address-validation}}.
+Outside of the encrypted portion of packets, QUIC offers an endpoint several
+options for controlling the content of UDP datagrams that a peer sends. The

options for controlling the content of UDP datagrams that its peer sends. The

> +Destination Connection ID field offers direct control over early bytes of every
+packet sent by a peer; see {{connection-id}}. The Token field in Initial

Destination Connection ID field offers direct control over bytes that appear early
in packets sent by the peer; see {{connection-id}}. The Token field in Initial

> +* spoofed connection migrations ({{address-spoofing}}), where a client is able
+  to use source address spoofing to select where a server sends subsequent
+  datagrams.
+These three options all involve cases where an endpoint sends datagrams to a
+host that might not understand QUIC. That is, these packets are sent prior to
+address validation; see {{address-validation}}.
+Outside of the encrypted portion of packets, QUIC offers an endpoint several
+options for controlling the content of UDP datagrams that a peer sends. The
+Destination Connection ID field offers direct control over early bytes of every
+packet sent by a peer; see {{connection-id}}. The Token field in Initial
+packets offers a server control over other bytes of Initial packets; see
+There are no measures in the protocol to prevent indirect control over the

There are no measures in this version of QUIC to prevent indirect control over the

> +encrypted portions of packets. It is necessary to assume that endpoints are
+able to control the contents of frames that a peer sends, especially those

This sentence is unclear --  to what end is it necessary to assume this? (I'm having some trouble understadning the rest of this para too, I'll try it again tomorrow.)

> +This section assumes that limiting control over datagram content is not
+feasible. The focus of the mitigations in subsequent sections is on limiting

I am assuming you mean to say that limiting this for the purposes of mitigating is not feasible. Perhaps phrase it as "It is reasonable to assume that mitigations that require limitations on datagram content are not feasible. Therefore, the focus of the mitigations ..."

> +the ways to use datagrams that are sent prior to address validation for request

the ways in which datagrams that are sent prior to address validation can be used
for request forgery.

> +able to control the contents of frames that a peer sends, especially those
+frames that convey application data, such as STREAM frames. Though this depends
+to some degree on details of the application protocol, some control is possible
+in many protocol usage contexts. As the attacker has access to packet protection
+keys, they are likely to be capable of predicting how a peer will encrypt future
+packets. Successful control over datagram content then only requires that the
+attacker be able to predict the packet number and placement of frames in packets
+with some amount of reliability.
+This section assumes that limiting control over datagram content is not
+feasible. The focus of the mitigations in subsequent sections is on limiting
+the ways to use datagrams that are sent prior to address validation for request
+### Request Forgery with Initial Packets

### Request Forgery with Client Initial Packets

> +Servers are assumed to be able to choose the IP address and port on which they
+advertise their availability, so Initial packets from clients are assumed to be

An attacker acting as a server can choose the IP address and port on which it
advertises its availability, so Initial packets from clients are assumed to be

> +other types of packet to a destination that does not understand QUIC and is
+willing to accept connections.

other types of packet to a destination that does not understand QUIC.

An endpoint that does not understand QUIC cannot be willing to accept QUIC connections.

> +feasible. The focus of the mitigations in subsequent sections is on limiting
+the ways to use datagrams that are sent prior to address validation for request
+### Request Forgery with Initial Packets
+Servers are assumed to be able to choose the IP address and port on which they
+advertise their availability, so Initial packets from clients are assumed to be
+available for use in this sort of attack. The address validation implicit in
+the handshake ensures that - for a new connection - a client will not send
+other types of packet to a destination that does not understand QUIC and is
+willing to accept connections.
+Initial packet protection (Section 5.2 of {{QUIC-TLS}}) makes it difficult for
+servers to control the content of Initial packets. A client choosing an

servers to control the content of Initial packets from clients. A client choosing an

> +control any of the encrypted portion of Initial packets. However, the Token
+field is open to server control and does allow a server to use clients to mount
+request forgery attacks.
+Use of tokens provided with the NEW_TOKEN frame ({{validate-future}}) offers
+the only option for request forgery during connection establishment.

Split the para at "However" and combine with the following para.

> +available for use in this sort of attack. The address validation implicit in
+the handshake ensures that - for a new connection - a client will not send
+other types of packet to a destination that does not understand QUIC and is
+willing to accept connections.
+Initial packet protection (Section 5.2 of {{QUIC-TLS}}) makes it difficult for
+servers to control the content of Initial packets. A client choosing an
+unpredictable Destination Connection ID ensures that servers are unable to
+control any of the encrypted portion of Initial packets. However, the Token
+field is open to server control and does allow a server to use clients to mount
+request forgery attacks.
+Use of tokens provided with the NEW_TOKEN frame ({{validate-future}}) offers
+the only option for request forgery during connection establishment.
+Clients are not obligated to use the NEW_TOKEN frame. Request forgery attacks

"Clients however are not ..."

> +the handshake ensures that - for a new connection - a client will not send
+other types of packet to a destination that does not understand QUIC and is
+willing to accept connections.
+Initial packet protection (Section 5.2 of {{QUIC-TLS}}) makes it difficult for
+servers to control the content of Initial packets. A client choosing an
+unpredictable Destination Connection ID ensures that servers are unable to
+control any of the encrypted portion of Initial packets. However, the Token
+field is open to server control and does allow a server to use clients to mount
+request forgery attacks.
+Use of tokens provided with the NEW_TOKEN frame ({{validate-future}}) offers
+the only option for request forgery during connection establishment.
+Clients are not obligated to use the NEW_TOKEN frame. Request forgery attacks
+that rely on the Token field can be avoided if clients do not include a value

that rely on the Token field can be avoided if clients do not include a value

> +
+Initial packet protection (Section 5.2 of {{QUIC-TLS}}) makes it difficult for
+servers to control the content of Initial packets. A client choosing an
+unpredictable Destination Connection ID ensures that servers are unable to
+control any of the encrypted portion of Initial packets. However, the Token
+field is open to server control and does allow a server to use clients to mount
+request forgery attacks.
+Use of tokens provided with the NEW_TOKEN frame ({{validate-future}}) offers
+the only option for request forgery during connection establishment.
+Clients are not obligated to use the NEW_TOKEN frame. Request forgery attacks
+that rely on the Token field can be avoided if clients do not include a value
+when the server address has changed from when the NEW_TOKEN frame was received.
+Clients MUST NOT send a token received in a NEW_TOKEN frame from one server

Therefore, clients MUST NOT send a token received in a NEW_TOKEN frame from one server

> +
+Clients MUST NOT send a token received in a NEW_TOKEN frame from one server
+address in an Initial packet that is sent to a different server address. As
+strict equality might reduce the utility of this mechanism, clients MAY employ
+heuristics that result in different server addresses being treated as
+equivalent, such as treating addresses with a shared prefix of sufficient
+length as being functionally equivalent (for instance, /24 in IPv4 or /56 in
+IPv6). In addition, clients SHOULD treat a preferred address that is
+successfully validated as equivalent to the address on which the connection was
+made; see {{preferred-address}}.
+Sending a Retry packet ({{packet-retry}}) offers a server the option to change
+the Token field. After sending a Retry, the server can also control the
+Destination Connection ID field of subsequent Initial packets from the client.
+This also might allow indirect control over the encrypted content of Initial
+packets. However, the exchange of a Retry packet validates the server address,

packets. However, the exchange of a Retry packet validates the server's address,

> +The Destination Connection ID field of packets that the client sends to a
+preferred address can be used for request forgery.

merge with previous para

> +the Token field. After sending a Retry, the server can also control the
+Destination Connection ID field of subsequent Initial packets from the client.
+This also might allow indirect control over the encrypted content of Initial
+packets. However, the exchange of a Retry packet validates the server address,
+thereby preventing the use of subsequent Initial packets for request forgery.
+### Request Forgery with Preferred Addresses
+Servers can specify a preferred address, which clients then migrate to after
+confirming the handshake; see {{preferred-address}}.
+The Destination Connection ID field of packets that the client sends to a
+preferred address can be used for request forgery.
+A client SHOULD NOT send non-probing frames to a preferred address prior to

Why not a MUST NOT? What reasons do we have to allow this to happen?

> +This document does not offer any additional specific countermeasures that can
+be implemented by endpoints aside from the generic measures described in

Why is this paragraph useful? It doesn't seem to follow from the previous text, so it seems to be out of place. Did you mean to connect it in some way?

Also, the requirements above _are_ countermeasures, aren't they?

> +vulnerable services to use strong authentication. However, this is not always
+possible when deploying QUIC. This section outlines some others steps that QUIC

"However, this is not always possible when deploying QUIC." This seems to suggest that it's a weakness of QUIC. I suspect what you are trying to say is that perhaps "However, this may not always be within the control of the QUIC deployment. This section outlines steps that QUIC endpoints could take to unilaterally protect against such attacks."

> +by endpoints aside from the generic measures described in {{forgery-generic}}.
+However, countermeasures for address spoofing at the network level, in
+particular ingress filtering {{?BCP38=RFC2267}}, are especially effective
+against attacks that use spoofing and originate from an external network.
+### Generic Request Forgery Countermeasures {#forgery-generic}
+The most effective defense against request forgery attacks is to modify
+vulnerable services to use strong authentication. However, this is not always
+possible when deploying QUIC. This section outlines some others steps that QUIC
+endpoints could take. These additional steps are all discretionary as,
+depending on circumstances, they could interfere with or prevent legitimate
+Services offered over loopback interfaces (that is, ::1 or often

Services offered over loopback interfaces (that is, the IPv6 address ::1 or the IPv4 address often

> +depending on circumstances, they could interfere with or prevent legitimate
+Services offered over loopback interfaces (that is, ::1 or often
+lack proper authentication. Endpoints MAY prevent connection attempts or
+migration to a loopback address. Endpoints SHOULD NOT allow connections or
+migration to a loopback address if the same service was previously
+available over a different interface or the address was provided by a service
+at a non-loopback address. Endpoints that depend on these capabilities could
+offer an option to disable these protections.
+Similarly, endpoints could regard a change in address to link-local address
+{{?RFC4291}} or an address in a private use range {{?RFC1918}} from a global,
+unique-local {{?RFC4193}}, or non-private address as a potential attempt at
+request forgery. Endpoints could refuse to use these addresses entirely, but
+that carries a significant risk of interfering with legitimate cases. Endpoints

that carries a significant risk of interfering with legitimate uses. Endpoints

> +
+Services offered over loopback interfaces (that is, ::1 or often
+lack proper authentication. Endpoints MAY prevent connection attempts or
+migration to a loopback address. Endpoints SHOULD NOT allow connections or
+migration to a loopback address if the same service was previously
+available over a different interface or the address was provided by a service
+at a non-loopback address. Endpoints that depend on these capabilities could
+offer an option to disable these protections.
+Similarly, endpoints could regard a change in address to link-local address
+{{?RFC4291}} or an address in a private use range {{?RFC1918}} from a global,
+unique-local {{?RFC4193}}, or non-private address as a potential attempt at
+request forgery. Endpoints could refuse to use these addresses entirely, but
+that carries a significant risk of interfering with legitimate cases. Endpoints
+SHOULD NOT refuse to use an address unless they have specific knowledge about
+the network that indicates that sending datagrams to unvalidated addresses in a

the network indicating that sending datagrams to unvalidated addresses in a

> +
+### Generic Request Forgery Countermeasures {#forgery-generic}
+The most effective defense against request forgery attacks is to modify
+vulnerable services to use strong authentication. However, this is not always
+possible when deploying QUIC. This section outlines some others steps that QUIC
+endpoints could take. These additional steps are all discretionary as,
+depending on circumstances, they could interfere with or prevent legitimate
+Services offered over loopback interfaces (that is, ::1 or often
+lack proper authentication. Endpoints MAY prevent connection attempts or
+migration to a loopback address. Endpoints SHOULD NOT allow connections or
+migration to a loopback address if the same service was previously
+available over a different interface or the address was provided by a service

available at a different address, or if the address was was provided by a service

> +frames in packets prior to completing address validation. Note that this might
+not constrain some attacks as it does not prevent an attacker from using the
+Destination Connection ID field.

frames in packets prior to completing address validation. Note that this does
not prevent an attacker from using the Destination Connection ID field for
an attack.

> +attacks. Endpoints MAY choose to avoid sending datagrams to these ports or that
+match these patterns prior to validating the target address. Endpoints MAY
+retire connection IDs containing patterns known to be problematic without using

attacks. Endpoints MAY avoid sending datagrams to these ports or not send
datagrams that match these patterns prior to validating the destination address.
Endpoints MAY retire connection IDs containing patterns known to be problematic
without using them.

> +not constrain some attacks as it does not prevent an attacker from using the
+Destination Connection ID field.
+Endpoints are not expected to have specific information about the location of
+servers that could be vulnerable targets of a request forgery attack. However,
+it might be possible over time to identify specific UDP ports that are common
+targets of attacks or particular patterns in datagrams that are used for
+attacks. Endpoints MAY choose to avoid sending datagrams to these ports or that
+match these patterns prior to validating the target address. Endpoints MAY
+retire connection IDs containing patterns known to be problematic without using
+: Modifying endpoints to apply these protections is more efficient than
+  deploying network-based protections, as endpoints don't need to perform

  deploying network-based protections, as endpoints do not need to perform

> +
+Initial packet protection (Section 5.2 of {{QUIC-TLS}}) makes it difficult for
+servers to control the content of Initial packets. A client choosing an
+unpredictable Destination Connection ID ensures that servers are unable to
+control any of the encrypted portion of Initial packets. However, the Token
+field is open to server control and does allow a server to use clients to mount
+request forgery attacks.
+Use of tokens provided with the NEW_TOKEN frame ({{validate-future}}) offers
+the only option for request forgery during connection establishment.
+Clients are not obligated to use the NEW_TOKEN frame. Request forgery attacks
+that rely on the Token field can be avoided if clients do not include a value
+when the server address has changed from when the NEW_TOKEN frame was received.
+Clients MUST NOT send a token received in a NEW_TOKEN frame from one server

Since there's a large escape hatch below, I agree that perhaps a SHOULD NOT is better here. The following text effectively explains why this isn't a MUST NOT.

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