Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Permit 0-RTT after Retry and VN (#1514)

janaiyengar <> Fri, 06 July 2018 23:13 UTC

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From: janaiyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Permit 0-RTT after Retry and VN (#1514)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

> @@ -770,6 +776,33 @@ are in a different packet number space to other packets (see
+### 0-RTT Packet Numbers {#retry-0rtt-pn}
+Packet numbers for 0-RTT protected packets use the same space as 1-RTT protected
+After a client receives a Retry or Version Negotiation packet, 0-RTT packets are
+likely to be lost or discarded by the server, especially if the server changes

s/likely to be/likely to have been/

> @@ -770,6 +776,33 @@ are in a different packet number space to other packets (see
+### 0-RTT Packet Numbers {#retry-0rtt-pn}
+Packet numbers for 0-RTT protected packets use the same space as 1-RTT protected
+After a client receives a Retry or Version Negotiation packet, 0-RTT packets are
+likely to be lost or discarded by the server, especially if the server changes
+its connection ID with a Retry packet.  A client MAY attempt to send data in

s/send data/resend data/

> @@ -731,12 +736,13 @@ If the client has a token received in a NEW_TOKEN frame on a previous connection
 to what it believes to be the same server, it can include that value in the
 Token field of its Initial packet.
-A client SHOULD NOT reuse a token.  Reusing a token on different network paths
-would allow activity to be linked between paths (see {{migration-linkability}}).
-A client MUST NOT reuse a token if it believes that its point of network
-attachment has changed; that is, if there is a change in its local IP address or
-network interface.  A client needs to start the connection process over if it
-migrates prior to completing the handshake.
+A client SHOULD NOT reuse a token.  Reusing a token could allow different
+connections to be identified as coming from the same endpoint (see also
+{{migration-linkability}}).  A client MUST NOT reuse a token if it believes that
+its point of network attachment has changed since it was last used; that is, if

This seems too strong -- see my comment on the other PR.

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