[quicwg/base-drafts] Unknown transport parameters cannot be ignored if no length is provided (#1661)

mirjak <notifications@github.com> Tue, 14 August 2018 13:51 UTC

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Sec 6.6.3 of the transport draft says:
"An endpoint MUST ignore transport parameters that it does not support."

However, the length of the parameter value is implicitly defined by the parameter type. If the parameter type is unknown, the length if unknown is well. Without knowing the length one cannot jump to the next value. What do i miss?

To be honest I also don't find it very intuitively to use the TLS presentation language here as it just introduced a "dependency" on TLS. However, for TLS this is only an additional data blob that is does not need to understand. Therefore I would prefer to "just" use some TLV encoding here.

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