Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)

Martin Thomson <> Mon, 30 March 2020 01:03 UTC

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Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 18:03:14 -0700
From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)
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@martinthomson commented on this pull request.

The change here to the semantics of disable_active_migration makes me a little uncomfortable.  I would suggest that we discuss this on-list a little.

I don't think that the implied semantic is entirely accurate.  In previous discussions, @nibanks pointed out that they would handle NAT rebinding with special logic (and likely move to close connections shortly afterwards).  That suggests that keep-alive logic was not necessary for those connections that might be affected.  However, this text suggests that if you see the transport parameter you would want to use keep-alives, or just do explicit closes within your understanding of the NAT timeout window to avoid the possibility of migration. 

Thus, rather than a "please avoid X", this turns into a "take active steps to prevent X".

I've also tried to make some editorial suggestions, but those you can take or leave.

> @@ -1156,6 +1156,36 @@ SHOULD ignore any such packets.
 Servers MUST drop incoming packets under all other circumstances.
+### Considerations for 5-tuple routing architectures
+QUIC servers can be deployed behind a 5-tuple based routing architecture that

QUIC endpoints can be deployed behind a 5-tuple based routing architecture that

> +ports. In such an architecture, clients that change IP address or port are
+likely to be routed to a different server. There are several actions that can
+mitigate or resolve operational and security issues in this case.

ports. When routing depends on addresses that the endpoint does not control,
changes to the IP address or port of peers could result in packets being routed
to a different server. The following actions could mitigate or resolve
operational and security issues in this case:

> @@ -1156,6 +1156,36 @@ SHOULD ignore any such packets.
 Servers MUST drop incoming packets under all other circumstances.
+### Considerations for 5-tuple routing architectures
+QUIC servers can be deployed behind a 5-tuple based routing architecture that
+delivers packets based on both the source and destination IP addresses and
+ports. In such an architecture, clients that change IP address or port are
+likely to be routed to a different server. There are several actions that can
+mitigate or resolve operational and security issues in this case.
+* Servers can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct

* Endpoints can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct

> +* If the server has another address where the 5-tuple based routers are not on-
+path, the preferred_address transport parameter can communicate that address and
+thus support changing client IP addresses without difficulty. For example, the
+initial address may route to a 5-tuple based load balancer, and the preferred
+address could indicate a separate server address with routing robust to client
+address changes. However, if the client does not use the preferred address,
+other measures are necessary.

* A server can request that a connection be migrated to an address that is
unique using the preferred_address transport parameter. For example, the initial
address may route to a 5-tuple based load balancer, and the preferred address
could indicate a separate server address that does not require the use of the
client address for routing. Note that clients could choose not to use the
preferred address.


> +address change is likely to terminate the connection, which can lead it to use
+strategies to avoid NAT rebinding or terminate connections when its IP address

address change is likely to terminate the connection. Clients might infer from
this that they might need to avoid NAT rebinding or terminate connections when
its IP address changes.

This is problematic, but I don't know how else to rephrase this statement.  The problem here is that this ADDS SEMANTICS to disable_active_migration.  That's a pretty big deal.

> +* If the server has another address where the 5-tuple based routers are not on-
+path, the preferred_address transport parameter can communicate that address and
+thus support changing client IP addresses without difficulty. For example, the
+initial address may route to a 5-tuple based load balancer, and the preferred
+address could indicate a separate server address with routing robust to client
+address changes. However, if the client does not use the preferred address,
+other measures are necessary.
+If a server does not implement one of the solutions above, it SHOULD send the
+disable_active_migration transport parameter to inform the client that any
+address change is likely to terminate the connection, which can lead it to use
+strategies to avoid NAT rebinding or terminate connections when its IP address
+Regardless of other mitigations, 5-tuple routing introduces new possibilities
+to create a Reset Oracle. An attacker could tweak the source address or port of

to create a stateless reset oracle. An attacker could tweak the source address
or port of

I think that the full name is necessary, and capitalization isn't quite right.

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