Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Attempt to make the stateless reset text better (#3007)

martinduke <> Mon, 09 September 2019 16:34 UTC

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From: martinduke <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Attempt to make the stateless reset text better (#3007)
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martinduke approved this pull request.

I believe this PR addresses the stated issue, which is that the text is unclear.

However, I am still concerned about the security properties of this design.

> -16 bytes for AEAD expansion, and an extra byte to allow the peer to
-send a smaller stateless reset than the packet it receives.
-The Stateless Reset Token corresponds to the minimum expansion of the
-packet protection AEAD.  More unpredictable bytes might be necessary if the
-endpoint could have negotiated a packet protection scheme with a larger minimum
-AEAD expansion.
-An endpoint SHOULD NOT send a stateless reset that is significantly larger than
-the packet it receives.  Endpoints MUST discard packets that are too small to be
-valid QUIC packets.  With the set of AEAD functions defined in {{QUIC-TLS}},
-packets that are smaller than 21 bytes are never valid.
+To entities other than its intended recipient, a stateless reset will appear to
+be a packet with a short header.  For the stateless reset to appear as a valid
+QUIC packet, the Unpredictable Bits field needs to include at least 38 bits of
+data (or 6 bytes, less the two fixed bits).

5 bytes

> -the packet it receives.  Endpoints MUST discard packets that are too small to be
-valid QUIC packets.  With the set of AEAD functions defined in {{QUIC-TLS}},
-packets that are smaller than 21 bytes are never valid.
+To entities other than its intended recipient, a stateless reset will appear to
+be a packet with a short header.  For the stateless reset to appear as a valid
+QUIC packet, the Unpredictable Bits field needs to include at least 38 bits of
+data (or 6 bytes, less the two fixed bits).
+A minimum size of 21 bytes does not guarantee that a stateless reset is
+difficult to distinguish from other packets if the recipient requires the use of
+a connection ID.  To prevent a resulting stateless reset from being trivially
+distinguishable from a valid packet, all packets sent by an endpoint SHOULD be
+padded to at least 22 bytes longer than the minimum connection ID that the
+endpoint might use.  An endpoint that sends a stateless reset in response to
+packet that is 43 bytes or less in length SHOULD send a stateless reset that is
+one byte shorter than the packet it responds to.

at least one byte?

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