Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)

Jana Iyengar <> Tue, 28 April 2020 22:59 UTC

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Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:59:19 -0700
From: Jana Iyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)
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@janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

editorial suggestions

> +QUIC endpoints can be deployed behind a 5-tuple based routing architecture that
+delivers packets based on both the source and destination IP addresses and
+ports. When routing depends on addresses that the endpoint does not control,
+changes to the IP address or port of peers could result in packets being routed
+to a different server. The following actions could mitigate or resolve
+operational and security issues in this case:

A server farm could be deployed behind a simple load balancer that routes
packets based on source and destination IP addresses and ports. Changes to
the IP address or port of a peer could result in packets being routed by the load
balancer to a different server. Such a server deployment could use one of the
following methods to for connection continuity when a client's address changes.

> @@ -1156,6 +1156,34 @@ SHOULD ignore any such packets.
 Servers MUST drop incoming packets under all other circumstances.
+### Considerations for 5-tuple routing architectures

### Considerations for simple load balancers

> +* Endpoints can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct
+destination or transfer state from the original destination.

* Servers could use an out-of-band mechanism to forward packets or connection
state to the correct endpoint.

> +* A server can request that a connection be migrated to an address that is
+unique using the preferred_address transport parameter. For example, the initial
+address may route to a 5-tuple based load balancer, and the preferred address
+could indicate a separate server address that does not require the use of the
+client address for routing. Note that clients could choose not to use the
+preferred address.

* If the server deployment can use other non-load-balanced server IP
addresses or ports than the one that the client is initiating connections on,
servers could use the preferred_address transport parameter to request
that clients move to these server addresses. Note that clients could choose
not to use the preferred address.

> +If a server does not implement one of the solutions above, it SHOULD send the
+disable_active_migration transport parameter to inform the client that any
+address change is likely to terminate the connection.

If a server behind such a load balancer does not implement a solution to
maintain connection continuity SHOULD disallow connection migration
via the disable_active_migration transport parameter.

> +Regardless of other mitigations, 5-tuple routing introduces new possibilities
+to create a stateless reset oracle. An attacker could tweak the source address
+or port of a packet to direct it to a different server and thus obtain the
+stateless reset token for a connection ID. Endpoints should take additional
+precautions in accordance with {{reset-oracle}}.

Server deployments that use such load balancing might still allow for
creation of a stateless reset oracle. Servers should take additional
precautions in accordance with {{reset-oracle}}.

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