Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow provisional registrations for all registries (#3170)

Mike Bishop <> Tue, 05 November 2019 23:21 UTC

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Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2019 15:21:24 -0800
From: Mike Bishop <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow provisional registrations for all registries (#3170)
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MikeBishop approved this pull request.

Minor nits; otherwise looks good.

> +{{!RFC8126}}.  Designated expert(s) are advised that only registrations for an
+excessive proportion of remaining codepoint space or the very first unassigned
+value (see {{iana-random}}) can be rejected.
+Provisional registrations will include a date field that indicates when the
+registration was last updated.  A request to update the date on any provisional
+registration can be made without review from the designated expert(s).
+All QUIC registries include the following fields to support provisional
+: The assigned codepoint.
+: "Permanent" or "Provisional".

The others here don't have a blank line between them.

> +New uses of codepoints from QUIC registries SHOULD use a randomly selected
+codepoint that excludes both existing allocations and the first unallocated
+codepoint in the selected space.  This minimizes the risk that differing
+semantics are attributed to the same codepoint by different implementations.
+Use of the first codepoint in a range is intended for use by specifications that
+are developed through the standards process {{?STD=RFC2026}} and its allocation
+MUST be negotiated with IANA before use.
+For codepoints that are encoded in variable-length integers
+({{integer-encoding}}), such as frame types, codepoints that encode to four or
+eight bytes (that is, values 2^14 and above) SHOULD be used unless the usage is
+especially sensitive to having a longer encoding.
+Applications to register codepoints in QUIC registries MAY include a codepoint
+as part of the registration.  IANA MUST allocate the selected codepoint unless
+that codepoint is already assigned or the codepoints is the first unallocated

that codepoint is already assigned or the codepoint is the first unallocated

> +
+### Reclaiming Provisional Codepoints
+A request might be made to remove an unused provisional registration from the
+registry to reclaim space in a registry, or portion of the registry (such as the
+64-16383 range for codepoints that use variable-length encodings).  This SHOULD
+be done only for the codepoints with the earliest recorded date and entries that
+have been updated less than a year prior SHOULD NOT be reclaimed.
+A request to remove a codepoint MUST be reviewed by the designated expert(s).
+The expert(s) MUST attempt to determine whether the codepoint is still in use.
+Experts are advised to contact the listed contacts for the registration, plus as
+wide a set of protocol implementers as possible in order to determine whether
+any use of the codepoint is known.  The expert(s) are advised to allow at least
+four weeks for this search.

four weeks for responses.

> +the registration is made, the codepoint MUST NOT be reclaimed.  Instead, the
+date on the registration is updated.  A note might be added for the registration
+recording relevant information that was learned.
+If no use of the codepoint was identified and no request was made to update the
+registration, the codepoint MAY be removed from the registry.
+This process also applies to requests to change a provisional registration into
+a permanent registration, except that the goal is not to determine whether there
+is no use of the codepoint, but to determine that the registration is an
+accurate representation of any deployed usage.
+### Permanent Registrations {#iana-permanent}
+Permanent registrations in QUIC registries require Specification Required policy

Permanent registrations in QUIC registries use the Specification Required policy

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