Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clarify handshake anti-deadlock wrt. handshake confirmation (#3503)

ianswett <> Sat, 07 March 2020 09:41 UTC

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Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2020 01:41:39 -0800
From: ianswett <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clarify handshake anti-deadlock wrt. handshake confirmation (#3503)
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ianswett commented on this pull request.

Thanks for writing this!

I think I'd prefer mentioning HANDSHAKE_DONE explicitly since receiving a 1-RTT ACK also confirms the handshake and I think in this case, it's probably easier to not rely on handshake confirmed?

Also be aware of #3461 to update the PTO pseudocode.

> @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ client, it is the client's responsibility to send packets to unblock the server
 until it is certain that the server has finished its address validation
 (see Section 8 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}).  That is, the client MUST set the
 probe timer if the client has not received an acknowledgement for one of its
-Handshake or 1-RTT packets.
+Handshake or 1-RTT packets and the handshake has not been confirmed.

As history, this text was written without HANDSHAKE_DONE in mind(because it hadn't been added) and I thought receiving a 1-RTT ACK was going to be how the handshake was confirmed.

Technically, receiving an ACK of 1-RTT confirms the handshake, so I prefer "or a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame." instead of "and the handshake has not been confirmed."  It's a bit more explicit, now that our mechanisms have stabilized.

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