Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] PTO after handshake completion is not well-defined (#3831)

Kazuho Oku <> Tue, 07 July 2020 21:38 UTC

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Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 14:37:57 -0700
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] PTO after handshake completion is not well-defined (#3831)
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IIUC, what needs to be applied is the latter. The former is merely pointing out that pto_timeout is defined as the minimum of `time_of_last_ack_eliciting_packet[space] + duration` among all the PN spaces, and therefore that it needs to be recalculated when PN spaces are discarded.

> For example, if the entire first flight is lost, the server won't retransmit the Initial for 1s. When the handshake then completes, the RTT is most likely << 1s, which would mean that the timer is set to a time in the past, if we base it on the time the 0.5-RTT packet was sent.

Generally speaking, I think that this is the correct behavior. If an endpoint has sent a tail, and has not received an ACK for more than 1 RTT + alpha from the moment it sent the packet, it is natural to assume that the packet might have been lost. There is no problem in the endpoint realizing that it should send a probe immediately, when the quality of the RTT estimate improves.

That said, I do see problem with sending a PTO when the peer is possibly stuck in calculating the traffic keys; see #3821.

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