Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)

ianswett <> Sat, 21 March 2020 19:03 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] 5tuple routing (#3536)
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ianswett commented on this pull request.

> +## Considerations for 5-tuple routing architectures
+QUIC servers can be deployed behind a 5-tuple based routing architecture that
+delivers packets based on both the source and destination IP addresses and
+ports. In such an architecture, clients that change IP address or port are
+likely to be routed to a different server. There are several actions that can
+mitigate or resolve operational and security issues in this case.
+* Servers can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct
+destination or transfer state from the original destination. Properly designed,
+this completely solves the problem and no further measures are necessary.
+* Sending the disable_active_migration transport parameter informs the client
+that any address change is likely to terminate the connection, which can lead it
+to use more aggressive timeouts or terminate connections when its IP address

The more aggressive timeouts idea is new to me.  I think if the server wants a shorter idle timeout, it should specify that in the handshake via transport params.

> +delivers packets based on both the source and destination IP addresses and
+ports. In such an architecture, clients that change IP address or port are
+likely to be routed to a different server. There are several actions that can
+mitigate or resolve operational and security issues in this case.
+* Servers can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct
+destination or transfer state from the original destination. Properly designed,
+this completely solves the problem and no further measures are necessary.
+* Sending the disable_active_migration transport parameter informs the client
+that any address change is likely to terminate the connection, which can lead it
+to use more aggressive timeouts or terminate connections when its IP address
+* The preferred_address transport parameter can provide a path that does not use
+the 5-tuple based routers.

So can the original path?  I suspect you have something in mind here, but I'm not completely sure what that is, so it might need to be spelled out more.

> +likely to be routed to a different server. There are several actions that can
+mitigate or resolve operational and security issues in this case.
+* Servers can use an out-of-band mechanism to deliver packets to the correct
+destination or transfer state from the original destination. Properly designed,
+this completely solves the problem and no further measures are necessary.
+* Sending the disable_active_migration transport parameter informs the client
+that any address change is likely to terminate the connection, which can lead it
+to use more aggressive timeouts or terminate connections when its IP address
+* The preferred_address transport parameter can provide a path that does not use
+the 5-tuple based routers.
+* Servers MUST either use different Stateless Reset Token keys, or encode the

I'm not a big fan of having a MUST in this section.  If we need a restriction like this, I think it should be in the section on stateless resets.

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