[quicwg/base-drafts] Pseudo-code for SetLossDetectionTimer looks odd (#2906)

Jeremy Lainé <notifications@github.com> Wed, 17 July 2019 21:03 UTC

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The pseudo-code for `SetLossDetectionTimer` contains the following:

  // Don't arm timer if there are no ack-eliciting packets
  // in flight and the handshake is complete.
  if (endpoint is client with 1-RTT keys &&
      no ack-eliciting packets in flight):

Unless I'm mistaken the first condition of the `if` doesn't match the comment. I don't think we should be re-arming the timer in the following conditions:

- server without 1-RTT keys and no ack-eliciting packets in flight
- server with 1-RTT keys and no ack-eliciting packets in flight

It's not beautiful but the `if` should probably be more like:

    if (no ack-eliciting packets in flight && (endpoint is server or has 1-RTT keys)):

Thoughts @ianswett ?

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