[quicwg/base-drafts] Connection ID DT output (#1742)

erickinnear <notifications@github.com> Wed, 12 September 2018 20:58 UTC

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- Add new text around Connection IDs
- Remove sequence number for Connection IDs

Short summary: 
An endpoint can issue as many CIDs to its peer as it chooses. It must always allow incoming packets on all outstanding CIDs. The only way to get rid of one from that "pool" is for the peer to indicate that the CID may be forgotten via the CONNECTION_ID_FINISHED frame. 

On the receiving side, you remember all the CIDs you get from your peer and can generally use any that you like at any time. If you get more than you think you need, you can ignore some. 
You're only allowed to use a CID on a single path, so you should probably retire any that you've moved away from via a _FINISHED frame. 

Receiving a _FINISHED frame indicates that you should generally "replace" the retired CID. There are a few recommendations in this area, mostly to ensure that it's straightforward to keep your peer from running out of CIDs to use. 
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * New text around Connection IDs, add CONNECTION_ID_FINISHED

-- File Changes --

    M draft-ietf-quic-transport.md (209)

-- Patch Links --


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