Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rearrange Packet Types section and references (#2203)

Martin Thomson <> Tue, 08 January 2019 22:36 UTC

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Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2019 22:36:46 +0000
From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rearrange Packet Types section and references (#2203)
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martinthomson approved this pull request.

This is good.  Thanks for doing the hard work here.

> -Header Form:
-: The most significant bit (0x80) of byte 0 is set to 0 for the short header.
-Fixed Bit:
-: The next bit (0x40) of byte 0 is set to 1.  Packets containing a zero value
-  for this bit are not valid packets in this version and MUST be discarded.
-Spin Bit (S):
-: The sixth bit (0x20) of byte 0 is the Latency Spin Bit, set as described in
-  {{!SPIN=I-D.ietf-quic-spin-exp}}.
+packet type.  While type-specific semantics for this version are described in
+the following sections, several long-header packets in this version of QUIC
+contain these additional fields:

Is there a picture to accompany this, or are you relying on the Initial/Handshake/0-RTT pictures?

-### 0-RTT Packet Numbers {#retry-0rtt-pn}
-<!-- TODO: Thus far, we have not really addressed 0-RTT at all. We don't even
-really say much about what it is for. This really belongs in a section for that,
-probably right after the example handshake exchanges. -->
+See Sections 2.3 of {{!TLS13}} for a discussion of 0-RTT data and its

See Section 2.3 of {{!TLS13}} for a discussion of 0-RTT data and its

+|1|1| 0 |R R|P P|

|1|1| 1 |R R|P P|

-A Handshake packet uses long headers with a type value of 0x2.  It is
-used to carry acknowledgments and cryptographic handshake messages from the
-server and client.
+A Handshake packet uses long headers with a type value of 0x2, followed by the
+Length and Packet Number fields.  The first byte contains the Reserved and
+Packet Number Length bits.  It is used to carry acknowledgments and
+cryptographic handshake messages from the server and client.
+|1|1| 0 |R R|P P|

|1|1| 2 |R R|P P|

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