[quicwg/base-drafts] handling of coalesced packets with decryption errors creates DoS opportunity (#2308)

Marten Seemann <notifications@github.com> Mon, 07 January 2019 04:33 UTC

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The spec says
> For example, if decryption fails (because the keys are not available or any other reason) [...], the receiver MAY either discard or buffer the packet for later processing and MUST attempt to process the remaining packets.

It makes sense to continue processing if the keys are not available. However, if the keys are available, and decryption fails, this means that the peer sent an invalid packet (or that we're dealing with an on-path attacker, which we can't do anything against anyway). It seems that it would be equally valid to stop processing the datagram in that case.

Since it's possible to coalesce about 70 QUIC packets into a single 1200 byte datagram, an attacker could cause a peer to attempt 70 AEAD operations with a single datagram.

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