[quicwg/base-drafts] Minor fixes for the recovery draft (#3813)

Kazu Yamamoto <notifications@github.com> Thu, 02 July 2020 05:21 UTC

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Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:21:25 -0700
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- In A.8 `#` should be `//`.
- Both "in-flight" and "in flight" are used. It's better to uniform them to "in-flight".
- The same for "count toward" and "count towards".
- The packet field `ack_eliciting` is not referred. It should be removed.
- The packet field `sent_bytes` is defined but the field name actually used is `size`. `.size` should be `.sent_bytes`.
- In Sec 6.2.3 "For example, clients can coalesce an Initial packet containing PING and PADDING frames with a 0-RTT data packet and a server can coalesce an Initial packet containing a PING frame with one or more packets in its first flight".  Singular vs plural: client*s* and *a* server. "Clients" should be "a client".
- Should `max_datagram_size` be `max_udp_payload_size` for clarity?
- In A.6, I think that `OnDatagramReceived` should be `OnPacketReceived` since `OnPacketSent` is used in A.5.

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