Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)

Nick Harper <> Mon, 18 March 2019 20:27 UTC

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From: Nick Harper <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)
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nharper commented on this pull request.

> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.
+Because there is no flow control of CRYPTO frames, and endpoint could
+potentially force its peer to buffer an unbounded amount of data.
+Implementations MUST support buffering at least 4096 bytes of data.
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an INTERNAL_ERROR code. In the case where an endpoint chooses to

The CRYPTO_ERRORs are TLS alerts (which are one byte) converted into QUIC error codes, so we can't pick one of those. I've created a new one CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED.

> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.

I moved this to the end of section 7 in a new subsection.

> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.
+Because there is no flow control of CRYPTO frames, and endpoint could
+potentially force its peer to buffer an unbounded amount of data.
+Implementations MUST support buffering at least 4096 bytes of data.
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an INTERNAL_ERROR code. In the case where an endpoint chooses to


> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.
+Because there is no flow control of CRYPTO frames, and endpoint could
+potentially force its peer to buffer an unbounded amount of data.
+Implementations MUST support buffering at least 4096 bytes of data.
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an INTERNAL_ERROR code. In the case where an endpoint chooses to
+discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, the packets containing these CRYPTO frames
+are still ACKed. An endpoint in this condition MAY tear down state for its


> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.
+Because there is no flow control of CRYPTO frames, and endpoint could
+potentially force its peer to buffer an unbounded amount of data.
+Implementations MUST support buffering at least 4096 bytes of data.
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an INTERNAL_ERROR code. In the case where an endpoint chooses to
+discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, the packets containing these CRYPTO frames
+are still ACKed. An endpoint in this condition MAY tear down state for its
+cryptographic handshake, keeping only the material needed for the current
+encryption keys and any future key updates.


> @@ -1232,6 +1232,19 @@ handshake data start from zero in each packet number space.
 Endpoints MUST explicitly negotiate an application protocol.  This avoids
 situations where there is a disagreement about the protocol that is in use.
+Implementations need to maintain a buffer of CRYPTO data received out of order.
+Because there is no flow control of CRYPTO frames, and endpoint could
+potentially force its peer to buffer an unbounded amount of data.
+Implementations MUST support buffering at least 4096 bytes of data.

Yes, it applies during the handshake.

I've updated the text to discuss buffer sizing and separate out pre- vs post-handshake completion behavior.

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