Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard keys design team (#2673)
David Schinazi <> Thu, 09 May 2019 20:46 UTC
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Date: Thu, 09 May 2019 20:46:44 +0000
From: David Schinazi <>
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Message-ID: <quicwg/base-drafts/pull/2673/review/>
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References: <quicwg/base-drafts/pull/>
Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard keys design team (#2673)
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DavidSchinazi commented on this pull request. > @@ -1116,9 +1145,21 @@ TLS KeyUpdate message. Endpoints MUST treat the receipt of a TLS KeyUpdate message as a connection error of type 0x10a, equivalent to a fatal TLS alert of unexpected_message (see {{tls-errors}}). -An endpoint MUST NOT initiate more than one key update at a time. A new key -cannot be used until the endpoint has received and successfully decrypted a -packet with a matching KEY_PHASE. +An endpoint MUST NOT initiate the first key update until the handshake is +confirmed ({{handshake-confirmed}}). An endpoint MUST NOT initiate a subsequent +key update until it has received an acknowledgment for a packet sent at the +current KEY_PHASE. This can be implemented by tracking the lowest packet +number sent with each KEY_PHASE, and the highest acknowledged packet number +in the 1-RTT space: once the latter is higher than or equal to the former, +another key update can be initiated. + +Endpoints MAY limit the number of sets of keys they retain to two sets for +removing packet protection and one set for protecting packets. Older keys +can be discarded. Updating keys multiple times rapidly can cause +packets to be effectively lost if packets are significantly delayed. Fixed -- You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… ianswett
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard keys d… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Martin Thomson
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Martin Thomson
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Martin Thomson
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Christopher Wood
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Mike Bishop
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… ianswett
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Jana Iyengar
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… MikkelFJ
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Jana Iyengar
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Jana Iyengar
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… David Schinazi
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Jana Iyengar
- Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Output of the discard ke… Martin Thomson