Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Stream0 dt output for merge (#1450)

Martin Thomson <> Mon, 25 June 2018 03:58 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Stream0 dt output for merge (#1450)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2849,43 +3014,19 @@ received packets in preference to packets received in the past.
 ### ACK Frames and Packet Protection
-ACK frames that acknowledge protected packets MUST be carried in a packet that
-has an equivalent or greater level of packet protection.
-Packets that are protected with 1-RTT keys MUST be acknowledged in packets that
-are also protected with 1-RTT keys.
-A packet that is not protected and claims to acknowledge a packet number that
-was sent with packet protection is not valid.  An unprotected packet that
-carries acknowledgments for protected packets MUST be discarded in its entirety.
+ACK frames MUST only be carried in a packet that has the same packet

Yeah, I think that there are two statements to make, each of which differs from the one you chose.

1. An endpoint MUST NOT acknowledge packets you haven't received (and processed).
2. An ACK frame can only acknowledges packets from the same packet number space.

The conjunction of these two things is what you are getting at: if you receive a packet in one packet number space, you cannot acknowledge it in a different space because that would be acknowledging a different packet, one you might not have received.

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