Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow not creating QPACK codec streams (#2529)

afrind <> Wed, 20 March 2019 20:13 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow not creating QPACK codec streams (#2529)
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afrind commented on this pull request.

>  HTTP_WRONG_STREAM_COUNT. These streams MUST NOT be closed. Closure of either
 unidirectional stream type MUST be treated as a connection error of type
+An endpoint MAY avoid creating its own encoder stream if the maximum size of

@LPardue : The explicit signal is the arrival of a Set Dynamic Table Capacity instruction on the encoder stream with a non-zero capacity (or perhaps the arrival of a header block with a non-zero Required Insert Count, if there's reordering or loss).  I don't see any problem with this - what's the specific concern?

It's actually an improvement over HPACK, where the receiver assumes the sender will use the table by virtue of the non-zero default max capacity.  Implementations that never use the dynamic table might not be kind enough to send an Update Table Size with size=0.

For the language here, would it read better the other way around: 

"The encoder need only open the encoder stream if it wishes to use the dynamic table and is permitted to do so by the decoder" - or something to that effect?

>  HTTP_WRONG_STREAM_COUNT. These streams MUST NOT be closed. Closure of either
 unidirectional stream type MUST be treated as a connection error of type
+An endpoint MAY avoid creating its own encoder stream if the maximum size of
+the dynamic table permitted by the peer is zero.
+An endpoint MAY avoid creating its own decoder stream if the maximum size of
+its own dynamic table is zero.
+An endpoint MUST allow its peer to create both encoder and decoder streams

> Both clients and servers SHOULD send a value of three or greater for the QUIC transport parameter initial_max_uni_streams.

I think the current consensus regarding QPACK streams is that you cannot prevent their creation, so clients and servers MUST give 3 or more.  If we allow the peer to limit to one unidirectional stream, there's potentially nothing from stopping an implementation from using that to create an encoder or decoder stream.

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