Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow provisional registrations for all registries (#3170)

David Schinazi <> Wed, 06 November 2019 19:22 UTC

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From: David Schinazi <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Allow provisional registrations for all registries (#3170)
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DavidSchinazi commented on this pull request.

> +Permanent registrations in QUIC registries require Specification Required policy
+{{!RFC8126}}, unless otherwise specified.  The designated expert(s) verify that
+a specification exists and is readily accessible.  Expert(s) are encouraged to
+be biased towards approving registrations unless they are abusive, frivolous, or
+actively harmful (not merely aesthetically displeasing, or architecturally
+dubious).  The creation of a registry MAY specify additional constraints on
+permanent registrations.
+The creation of a registries MAY identify a range of codepoints where
+registrations are governed by a different registration policy.  For instance,
+the registries for 62-bit codepoints in this document have stricted policies for
+codepoints in the range from 0 to 63.
+Any stricter requirements for permanent registrations do not prevent provisional
+registrations for affected codepoints.  For instance, a provisional registration
+for a frame type {{iana-frames}} of 61 could be requested.

I fear that ejecting won't always be possible if the provisional code point is widely used. I think disallowing provisional for [0, 63] might be best.

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