Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clean up text on Maximum Table Size. (#2115)

Bence Béky <> Tue, 18 December 2018 16:19 UTC

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From: Bence Béky <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Clean up text on Maximum Table Size. (#2115)
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bencebeky commented on this pull request.

-The initial maximum size is determined by the corresponding setting when HTTP
-requests or responses are first permitted to be sent. For clients using 0-RTT
-data in HTTP/3, the table size is the remembered value of the setting, even if
-the server later specifies a larger maximum in its SETTINGS frame.  For HTTP/3
-servers and HTTP/3 clients when 0-RTT is not attempted or is rejected, the
-initial maximum table size is the value of the setting in the peer's SETTINGS
+The initial dynamic table capacity is the value of the maximum dynamic table
+capacity when HTTP requests or responses are first permitted to be sent.  For
+HTTP/3 servers and HTTP/3 clients when 0-RTT is not attempted or is rejected,
+the initial maximum table capacity is zero.  For clients using 0-RTT data in

I have changed the initial maximum table capacity to zero in the spirit of, because that is what's consistent with the first sentence.  And endpoint is allowed to send HTTP requests and responses before receiving the peer's SETTINGS frame.

Another option is to scratch the first sentence, and describe that an endpoint cannot use the dynamic table until the SETTINGS frame is received, however, at that point the dynamic table capacity is changed to the value of SETTINGS_MAXIMUM_DYNAMIC_TABLE_CAPACITY.

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