Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define stream limits as counts (#1906)

Martin Thomson <> Thu, 25 October 2018 23:55 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define stream limits as counts (#1906)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

-The maximum stream ID is specific to each endpoint and applies only to the peer
-that receives the setting. That is, clients specify the maximum stream ID the
-server can initiate, and servers specify the maximum stream ID the client can
-initiate.  Each endpoint may respond on streams initiated by the other peer,
-regardless of whether it is permitted to initiate new streams.
+The stream limit is specific to each endpoint and applies only to the peer that
+receives the setting. That is, clients limit the number of streams the server

I agree that this isn't great, but it's an artifact of encoding stream type in the ID.  A decision I really don't want to revisit, BTW.

Given that the number of streams can be very easily determined from the ID with `(id+3)/4`, or the test for whether an stream can be opened is `id/4 >= limit`, I think that this is quite workable.

I've tweaked the text you point at.  Hopefully this is clearer.

-The STREAM_ID_BLOCKED frame ({{frame-stream-id-blocked}}) can be
-used to signal a shortage of available streams. Implementations will likely
-want to increase the maximum stream ID as peer-initiated streams close.
+The STREAMS_BLOCKED frame ({{frame-streams-blocked}}) can be used to signal a
+shortage of available streams. Implementations could use this as a signal to

Thanks.  I struggled with that.

-The STREAM_ID_BLOCKED frame ({{frame-stream-id-blocked}}) can be
-used to signal a shortage of available streams. Implementations will likely
-want to increase the maximum stream ID as peer-initiated streams close.

Yeah, I think that I might restore this, but attach it to the paragraph above.

-Loss or reordering can mean that a MAX_STREAM_ID frame can be received which
+Loss or reordering can mean that a MAX_STREAMS frame can be received which

Fixed better, also used "endpoint" rather than client.

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