[quicwg/base-drafts] Don't use bitmap frames to describe varint structures (#3115)

"Roy T. Fielding" <notifications@github.com> Thu, 17 October 2019 19:56 UTC

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Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 12:56:39 -0700
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Subject: [quicwg/base-drafts] Don't use bitmap frames to describe varint structures (#3115)
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Many of the QUIC drafts use fixed 32bit maps to "illustrate" the layout of various parts of a message. In some cases, that is useful up to the point where the frame bits end. In other cases, the illustration consists of a list of arbitrary varint values, for which the 32bit illustration is both horribly misleading and a waste of space (and reader's time). Please stop.

I prefer C-style data structures for descriptive ordering, but YMMV. The simplest alternative is to just list the variable names (and types) in order. The only place where I would like to see a bitmap presentation would be an actual example, which shows the variable ints in the actual positions that the example values would cause them to be placed.

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