Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] An example ECN validation algorithm (#3320)

Jana Iyengar <> Tue, 07 January 2020 23:06 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] An example ECN validation algorithm (#3320)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

Thank you for working on this. 

> @@ -3488,6 +3489,54 @@ Even if validation fails, an endpoint MAY revalidate ECN on the same path at any
 later time in the connection.
+#### Exemplary ECN Validation Algorithm {#ecn-alg}
+Each time that an endpoint commences sending on a new network path, it

Each time an endpoint commences sending on a new network path, it

> @@ -3488,6 +3489,54 @@ Even if validation fails, an endpoint MAY revalidate ECN on the same path at any
 later time in the connection.
+#### Exemplary ECN Validation Algorithm {#ecn-alg}
+Each time that an endpoint commences sending on a new network path, it
+determines whether the path supports ECN.  If the path supports ECN, the goal is
+to use ECN.  Endpoints might also periodically reassess a path that was
+determined not support ECN.
+This section describes one method for testing new paths.  This algorithm is
+intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or

Paths don't have ECN state. Suggestion: "For each path an endpoint sends on, it records known ECN support on that path as one of ..."

> @@ -3488,6 +3489,54 @@ Even if validation fails, an endpoint MAY revalidate ECN on the same path at any
 later time in the connection.
+#### Exemplary ECN Validation Algorithm {#ecn-alg}
+Each time that an endpoint commences sending on a new network path, it
+determines whether the path supports ECN.  If the path supports ECN, the goal is
+to use ECN.  Endpoints might also periodically reassess a path that was
+determined not support ECN.
+This section describes one method for testing new paths.  This algorithm is
+intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets

"capable".  On paths that are recorded as "testing" or "capable", the endpoint sends packets

> +Each time that an endpoint commences sending on a new network path, it
+determines whether the path supports ECN.  If the path supports ECN, the goal is
+to use ECN.  Endpoints might also periodically reassess a path that was
+determined not support ECN.
+This section describes one method for testing new paths.  This algorithm is
+intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets
+with an ECT(0) marking; otherwise, the endpoint sends unmarked packets.
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for

It's not clear what "effect of packets" this is talking about.

> +
+This section describes one method for testing new paths.  This algorithm is
+intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets
+with an ECT(0) marking; otherwise, the endpoint sends unmarked packets.
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as

The testing period runs for a number of packets or round-trip times, as

> +This section describes one method for testing new paths.  This algorithm is
+intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets
+with an ECT(0) marking; otherwise, the endpoint sends unmarked packets.
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with

determined by the endpoint.

Redundant. You've already said this 2 paras above.

> +intended to show how a path might be tested for ECN support.  Endpoints can
+implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets
+with an ECT(0) marking; otherwise, the endpoint sends unmarked packets.
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure

The goal is not to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure

> +implement different methods.
+The path has an ECN state that is one of "testing", "unknown", "failed", or
+"capable".  In the "testing" and "capable" states the endpoint sends packets
+with an ECT(0) marking; otherwise, the endpoint sends unmarked packets.
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will

that enough marked packets are sent for received ECN counts to

> +
+To start testing a path, the ECN state is set to "testing" and existing ECN
+counts are remembered as a baseline.  It should not be necessary to disregard
+the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will
+provide a clear indication of how the path treats marked packets.
+<!-- Do we need a more concrete recommendation here?  For instance, I might say
+"Endpoints could test with packets that amount to between 1 to 2 times the
+initial congestion window over a period between 1 to 2 times the estimated RTT."

This is an example, and as such, it's useful for us to provide a specific value here. We should also expect that anyone implementing this is likely to use these exemplary values.

> +the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will
+provide a clear indication of how the path treats marked packets.
+<!-- Do we need a more concrete recommendation here?  For instance, I might say
+"Endpoints could test with packets that amount to between 1 to 2 times the
+initial congestion window over a period between 1 to 2 times the estimated RTT."
+After the testing period ends, the ECN state for the path becomes "unknown".

Why does this have to go to "unknown" and not directly to "capable" or "failed"?

> +
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will
+provide a clear indication of how the path treats marked packets.
+<!-- Do we need a more concrete recommendation here?  For instance, I might say
+"Endpoints could test with packets that amount to between 1 to 2 times the
+initial congestion window over a period between 1 to 2 times the estimated RTT."
+After the testing period ends, the ECN state for the path becomes "unknown".
+From the "unknown" state, successful validation of the ECN counts an ACK frame
+(see {{ecn-ack}}) causes the ECN state for the path to become "capable", unless
+no marked packet has been acknowledged.

You will be blocked, but only until the PTO timer fires. There is a question still of what to do afterwards. While it is rare, I suspect we need this fallback as a failsafe.

> +determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will
+provide a clear indication of how the path treats marked packets.
+<!-- Do we need a more concrete recommendation here?  For instance, I might say
+"Endpoints could test with packets that amount to between 1 to 2 times the
+initial congestion window over a period between 1 to 2 times the estimated RTT."
+After the testing period ends, the ECN state for the path becomes "unknown".
+From the "unknown" state, successful validation of the ECN counts an ACK frame
+(see {{ecn-ack}}) causes the ECN state for the path to become "capable", unless
+no marked packet has been acknowledged.
+At any point, if validation of ECN counts fails, the ECN state becomes "failed".

If validation of ECN counts fails at any time, the endpoint records ECN state for the path as "failed".

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