Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Refine Discussion of 0-RTT Transport Parameters (#2467)

martinduke <> Fri, 15 February 2019 00:32 UTC

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From: martinduke <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Refine Discussion of 0-RTT Transport Parameters (#2467)
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martinduke commented on this pull request.

> -when accepting 0-RTT data.  A server uses the transport parameters in
-determining whether to accept 0-RTT data.
-A server MAY accept 0-RTT and subsequently provide different values for
-transport parameters for use in the new connection.  If 0-RTT data is accepted
-by the server, the server MUST NOT reduce any limits or alter any values that
-might be violated by the client with its 0-RTT data.  In particular, a server
-that accepts 0-RTT data MUST NOT set values for the following parameters
-({{transport-parameter-definitions}}) that are smaller
-than the remembered value of those parameters.
+The value of the server's previous original_connection_id, preferred_address,
+stateless_reset_token, and ack_delay_exponent MUST NOT be used when
+establishing a new connection; rather, the client should wait to observe the
+server's new values in the handshake.
+The client MAY store the server's original max_ack_delay and max_packet_size

The client may find it useful to retain this information to set its 0-RTT loss timer properly, rather than having to wait for the handshake and reset it properly. Am I not thinking clearly on how this is done?

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