Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)

Kazuho Oku <> Mon, 03 August 2020 00:42 UTC

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Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2020 17:42:53 -0700
From: Kazuho Oku <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)
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> Specifically, is the concern is that the client will have it's Handshake data acknowledged and will spuriously PTO 1-RTT packets a few times over while waiting for the server to make 1-RTT receive keys available? Is this a problem that's been observed? It seems like it would in practice require client certs, since verifying only a CFIN should be very fast.

I think the issue is about principles.

I tend to agree that it would be fine for an endpoint to arm PTO timer for 1-RTT packets, when it knows that the peer is going to be able to handle them. However, if we are going to talk about such cases, then I might point out there are other similar cases that are missing in the draft, that might be as important as the case you point out:

    * A server can arm 1-RTT PTO timer when an abbreviated TLS handshake (a.k.a. resumption) is being used. This is because a server to assume that the client would obtain 1-RTT read keys almost immediately.
    * A client can arm PTO timer for 0-RTT packets, assuming that the server would be resuming the connection.

My view is that all these are "optimizations" that an endpoint might attempt, based on the knowledge of the form of the TLS handshake being used. But they are just optimizations.

I think it would be fine to talk about such optimizations, but at the same time think that we should provide safe and principled rules as baseline, so that endpoints following the recommendations do not end up sending bunch of unnecessary packets.

> Given there's still a SHOULD about sending packets from multiple PN spaces on PTO, including Handshake + 1RTT, I think this change will perform well, but I do have apprehension about seemingly small but subtle changes like this late in the process.

Yeah, I tend to think this as a bug fix. Existing PTO rules seem to assume that the client would spend time in processing the Handshake packets, but the server would not. But the reality is more nuanced, as pointed out by the client-certificate case as well as the examples shown above. And in case where the assumption is too aggressive (the client-cert case), we might see a number of unnecessary packets being sent.

All that said, I do think that we should try to minimize the impact of the changes that we introduce to the drafts. That's why I think that something along the lines of "SHOULD NOT arm PTO timer for ApplicationData packets until the handshake is confirmed, unless the sender can assume that the peer would be capable of processing ApplicationData packets when they arrive." Clients arming PTO for 1-RTT packets when client-certificate is not used would fall into this exception, and therefore the design change would not affect the existing QUIC stacks, assuming that they do not use client certificates. Stacks that do use client certificates have to have this fix applied.

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