Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Updated spinbit text (#2564)

Martin Thomson <> Tue, 02 April 2019 11:49 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Updated spinbit text (#2564)
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martinthomson approved this pull request.

Thanks for writing this up.  Just a few tiny tweaks to recommend.

> +
+The spin bit is an OPTIONAL feature of QUIC. A QUIC stack that chooses to
+support the spin bit MUST implement it as specified in this document.
+Each endpoint unilaterally decides if the spin bit is enabled or disabled for a
+connection. Implementations MUST allow administrators of clients and servers
+to disable the spin bit either globally or on a per-connection basis. Even when
+the spin bit is not disabled by the administrator implementations MUST disable
+the spin bit on a randomly chosen fraction of connections. The random selection
+process SHOULD be designed such that on average the spin bit is disabled for at
+least one eighth of network paths. The selection process should be externally
+unpredictable but consistent for any given combination of source and destination
+address and port. The selection process performed at the beginning of the
+connection SHOULD be applied for all paths used by the connection.
+In case multiple connections share the same five-tuple, i.e. same source and

In case multiple connections share the same five-tuple, that is, have the same source and

> +The spin bit is an OPTIONAL feature of QUIC. A QUIC stack that chooses to
+support the spin bit MUST implement it as specified in this document.
+Each endpoint unilaterally decides if the spin bit is enabled or disabled for a
+connection. Implementations MUST allow administrators of clients and servers
+to disable the spin bit either globally or on a per-connection basis. Even when
+the spin bit is not disabled by the administrator implementations MUST disable
+the spin bit on a randomly chosen fraction of connections. The random selection
+process SHOULD be designed such that on average the spin bit is disabled for at
+least one eighth of network paths. The selection process should be externally
+unpredictable but consistent for any given combination of source and destination
+address and port. The selection process performed at the beginning of the
+connection SHOULD be applied for all paths used by the connection.
+In case multiple connections share the same five-tuple, i.e. same source and
+destination IP address and UDP port the setting of the spin bit needs to be

destination IP address and UDP ports, the setting of the spin bit needs to be

> +the spin bit on a randomly chosen fraction of connections. The random selection
+process SHOULD be designed such that on average the spin bit is disabled for at
+least one eighth of network paths. The selection process should be externally
+unpredictable but consistent for any given combination of source and destination
+address and port. The selection process performed at the beginning of the
+connection SHOULD be applied for all paths used by the connection.
+In case multiple connections share the same five-tuple, i.e. same source and
+destination IP address and UDP port the setting of the spin bit needs to be
+coordinated across all connections to ensure a clear signal to any on path
+measurement point, however that might not be feasible.
+When the spin bit is disabled, endpoints MAY set the spin bit to any value, and
+MUST accept any incoming value. It is RECOMMENDED that they set the spin bit to
+a random value either chosen independently for each packet, or chosen
+independently for each path and kept constant for that path.

That creates a different signal.  Besides, we already discussed this point and (I believe, chairs can correct me), that we agreed to allow this flexibility.

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