Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rewrite of RTT estimation section (#2592)

Jana Iyengar <> Wed, 10 April 2019 20:22 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rewrite of RTT estimation section (#2592)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

Thanks, Ian, responses below.

> -retain inadequate history, as suggested in {{?RFC6298}}. Changing these
-computations is currently an open research question.
-min_rtt is the minimum RTT measured over the connection, prior to adjusting by
-ack delay.  Ignoring ack delay for min RTT prevents intentional or unintentional
-underestimation of min RTT, which in turn prevents underestimating smoothed RTT.
-A sender calculates both smoothed RTT (SRTT) and RTT variance (RTTVAR) similar
-to those specified in {{?RFC6298}}.  Note that computing smoothed_rtt does not
-use ack_delay for the first RTT sample, because doing so would result in a
-smoothed_rtt that is smaller than the min_rtt.
-On every newly acknowledged ack-eliciting largest acked:
+## Measuring and Reporting Host Delay {#host-delay}
+An endpoint measures the delay incurred between when a packet is received and

See my response above.

> -ack delay.  Ignoring ack delay for min RTT prevents intentional or unintentional
-underestimation of min RTT, which in turn prevents underestimating smoothed RTT.
-A sender calculates both smoothed RTT (SRTT) and RTT variance (RTTVAR) similar
-to those specified in {{?RFC6298}}.  Note that computing smoothed_rtt does not
-use ack_delay for the first RTT sample, because doing so would result in a
-smoothed_rtt that is smaller than the min_rtt.
-On every newly acknowledged ack-eliciting largest acked:
+## Measuring and Reporting Host Delay {#host-delay}
+An endpoint measures the delay incurred between when a packet is received and
+when the corresponding acknowledgment is sent.  The endpoint encodes this host
+delay for the largest acknowledged packet in the Ack Delay field of an ACK frame
+(see Section 19.3 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}).  This allows the receiver of the ACK
+to adjust for any host delays - importantly, for delayed acknowledgements - when

I'm not sure I follow. It's fine to use commas and dashes together. Can you suggest a rephrasing?

> -On every newly acknowledged ack-eliciting largest acked:
+## Measuring and Reporting Host Delay {#host-delay}
+An endpoint measures the delay incurred between when a packet is received and
+when the corresponding acknowledgment is sent.  The endpoint encodes this host
+delay for the largest acknowledged packet in the Ack Delay field of an ACK frame
+(see Section 19.3 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}).  This allows the receiver of the ACK
+to adjust for any host delays - importantly, for delayed acknowledgements - when
+estimating the path RTT.  In certain deployments, a packet might be held in the
+OS kernel or elsewhere on the host before being processed by the QUIC
+stack. Where possible, an endpoint SHOULD include these delays when populating
+the Ack Delay field in an ACK frame.
+An endpoint MUST NOT excessively delay acknowledgements of ack-eliciting
+packets.  The maximum ack delay is communicated in the max_ack_delay transport
+parameter, see Section 18.1 of {{QUIC-TRANSPORT}}.  max_ack_delay implies an --> "imply" is commonly used to indicate necessary consequence, not just inference (I suspect your dislike is to this meaning of imply).

The way I read it, max_ack_delay specifies a transport parameter value which implies the contract.

>  ~~~
 latest_rtt = ack_time - send_time_of_largest_acked
-First RTT sample:
+An endpoint uses only locally observed times in generating RTT samples and does

Fair, it's not necessary yet, so removed.

>  ~~~
 latest_rtt = ack_time - send_time_of_largest_acked
-First RTT sample:
+An endpoint uses only locally observed times in generating RTT samples and does
+not adjust for any host delays reported by the peer ({{host-delay}}).
+A peer reports host delays for only the largest acknowledged packet in an ACK
+frame, which is assumed by subsequent computations of smoothed_rtt and rttvar in

I've rewritten the para, so hopefully it reads better.

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