Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rearrange Packet Types section and references (#2203)

Martin Thomson <> Wed, 19 December 2018 04:54 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rearrange Packet Types section and references (#2203)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

>  The following packet types are defined:
 | Type | Name                          | Section                     |
 |  0x0 | Initial                       | {{packet-initial}}          |
-|  0x1 | 0-RTT Protected               | {{packet-protected}}        |
+|  0x1 | 0-RTT Protected               | {{packet-0rtt}}        |

I think that this is right, but counting is hard.

|  0x1 | 0-RTT Protected               | {{packet-0rtt}}             |

+See Sections 2.3 of {{!TLS13}} for a discussion of 0-RTT data and its

You should move the 0-RTT packet numbers section to here and remove the TODO.

> @@ -3338,6 +3342,52 @@ then a packet containing a 16-bit value of 0x9b32 will be decoded as 0xa82f9b32.
 Example pseudo-code for packet number decoding can be found in
+### Starting Packet Numbers

I don't think that we need this still, but absent analysis, this can be moved under the Initial packet section.



> @@ -3795,119 +3819,84 @@ Handshake encryption level is discarded - and no longer retransmitted - when
 Handshake protection keys are discarded.
-## Retry Packet {#packet-retry}
-A Retry packet uses a long packet header with a type value of 0x3. It carries
-an address validation token created by the server. It is used by a server that
-wishes to perform a stateless retry (see {{validate-handshake}}).
+## Short Header Packet {#short-header}

I'm assuming that the diff here looks terrible because it's moved text, not changed text.

> +: The length of the remainder of the packet (that is, the Packet Number and
+  Payload fields) in bytes, encoded as a variable-length integer
+  ({{integer-encoding}}).
+Packet Number:
+: The packet number field is 1 to 4 bytes long. The packet number has
+  confidentiality protection separate from packet protection, as described in
+  Section 5.4 of {{QUIC-TLS}}. The length of the packet number field is encoded
+  in the plaintext packet number. See {{packet-encoding}} for details.
+: The payload of the packet.
+### Initial Packet {#packet-initial}

I think that we should use h2 for this.  The section is a mix of "here is a common format" and "here is a specific instance of a common format", but I think that's tolerable.  We would then have something like:

17. Packet Formats
    17.1. Packet Number Encoding and Decoding
    17.2. Long Header Packets <-- note the extra 's'
    17.3. Version Negotiation Packet
    17.4. Retry Packet
    17.5. Extended Long Header Packets
    17.6. Initial Packet
        17.6.1. Abandoning Initial Packets
        17.6.2. Starting Packet Numbers
    17.7. 0-RTT Protected Packet <-- extra 'Packet'
        17.7.1. 0-RTT Packet Numbers
    17.8. Handshake Packet
    17.9. Short Header Packets <-- extra 's'

Does that work?

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