Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define stream limits as counts (#1906)

janaiyengar <> Tue, 30 October 2018 02:51 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Define stream limits as counts (#1906)
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janaiyengar approved this pull request.

-The MAX_STREAM_ID frame (type=0x06) informs the peer of the maximum stream ID
-that they are permitted to open.
+The MAX_STREAMS frame (type=0x1c and 0x1d) informs the peer of the number of
+streams it is permitted to open.  A MAX_STREAMS frame with a type of 0x1c
+applies to bidirectional streams; a MAX_STREAMS frame with a type of 0x1d
+applies to unidirectional streams.

After having a look at #1900, I think its going to be hard to avoid this clunkiness. This PR is a net positive and combining these frames does improve readability, so I'll drop my suggestion.

-A sender SHOULD send a STREAM_ID_BLOCKED frame (type=0x0a) when it wishes to
-open a stream, but is unable to due to the maximum stream ID limit set by its
-peer (see {{frame-max-stream-id}}).  This does not open the stream, but informs
-the peer that a new stream was needed, but the stream limit prevented the
-creation of the stream.
+A sender SHOULD send a STREAMS_BLOCKED frame (type=0x1e or 0x1f) when it wishes
+to open a stream, but is unable to due to the maximum stream ID limit set by its
+peer (see {{frame-max-streams}}).  A STREAMS_BLOCKED frame of type 0x1e is used
+to indicate reaching the bidirectional stream limit; a STREAMS_BLOCKED frame of
+type 0x1f indicates reaching the unidirectional stream limit.

Drop this suggestion too.

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