Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Request to Retire Locally Issued CIDs (#2769)

Martin Thomson <> Mon, 01 July 2019 06:16 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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References: <quicwg/base-drafts/pull/>
Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Request to Retire Locally Issued CIDs (#2769)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> @@ -994,6 +994,19 @@ packets sent from only one local address.  An endpoint that migrates away from a
 local address SHOULD retire all connection IDs used on that address once it no
 longer plans to use that address.
+An endpoint can request that its peer retire connection IDs by sending a
+NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame with an increased Retire Prior To field.  Upon receipt,
+the peer SHOULD retire the corresponding connection IDs and send the
+corresponding RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frames in a timely manner.  Failing to do so
+can cause packets to be delayed, lost, or cause the original endpoint to send a
+stateless reset in response to a connection ID it can no longer route correctly.
+An endpoint MAY discard a connection ID for which retirement has been requested
+once an interval of no less than 3 PTO has elapsed since an acknowledgement is
+received for the NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame requesting that retirement.  Subsequent
+incoming packets using that connection ID will elicit a response with the

If by "MAY" you mean "could", that makes sense.  "MAY" in the sense of permitting something, is not really in question here.

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